
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Forget Me Not Review & Giveaway

It's time for another book review. I'm really into mysteries. They're my favorite kind of books to read. When  I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah to review, I was a little apprehensive just looking at the cover. I'm not fond of scary books. I like to sleep at night, not sit awake wondering if someone is coming to kill me.Yet, as I started to read the book, it surprised me!

This book has all the makings of a good series. I can't wait to see if a new book is coming out! It has great suspenseful mystery, with a bit of romance and references to trusting in God for life's leading. That's always a wonderful reminder to all.  In this story, a woman has lost her identity, her memory after an attack. She crosses paths with Benjamin Brandt, a man whose wife and daughter were murdered but the killer was never identified. Benjamin has set aside his faith because of these tragic events and doesn't know how to move forward. The mystery surrounding the two connects them in unexpected ways, first of them being, the woman shows up, wearing his wife's necklace and bearing an uncanny likeness to her as well.  

I love to try to figure mysteries out but this one kept me guessing til the end. I had my  mind set it was going to go a completely different direction. This book was a great read, although some of the parts were a little farfetched. I don't mind that in a book if it tells a plausible story. The overall message of love, hope, new beginnings and letting go, made this a book I am happy to recommend.

You can read more about the book here: Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

Would you like to own your very own copy for free?! I'm giving away one book to a lucky participant. Here is how you can have chances to win (do any or all of these to have your name put in the drawing.)
1. Post with your favorite mystery book/writer. I'm always on the lookout for new books to read!
2. Join my Networked Blogs thingie over in the right column and make sure to post that you did. 
3. Tell me a favorite item you like from one of my etsy stores: Supplies or Art shop.
Don't forget last week's giveaway. It's still going on. Enter Here: This Little Prayer of Mine.