
Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Collage Contessa LIVES!

My new blog, under construction. Don't mind the dust. Here's a picture to appease you (layout of our August 2005 trip to Jekyll Island, Georgia. It was gorgeous and I'm SOOOOOO ready to move there now!)


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Girl do you ever sleep? But then who I am to say that huh?

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    lady reformedfan of the realm, surveyor of all i purvey sez can ya come to my house & glue glitter on all my walls? or moss? can ya cut out 80 bajillion little foam rubber shapes & staple 'em to my floor?

    yeah, that'd be kewlish.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

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  4. Anonymous9:59 PM

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  5. RF - anytime my friend. Anytime. Although I'm not real proficient in glitter. How about beeswax? *wink*

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


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