
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

New Blogs to See/Monday Musing Participant

I've added several new people to the blog list at the left. Found a particularly inspiring one today:
Paper Thoughts
Go check them all out!

Remember, we are doing 'Monday Musings' (scroll down for details.) I've had my first participant. So exciting! And I thought I was talking to myself here!
Go visit Turquoise Cro's 'Bless God' collage! Fabulous! I wanna know how she did that background!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Contessa K! Thanks! for your compliments! I think I got just a little bit better pic of the whole collage! UG! LOL anyway, I don't know whether you read my comment back to you or not but I said I just used my finger with acrylic paint on the background! with dabs of gold metallic paint(my FAV) here and there! I hope we get some more players!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts.