
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Still Going... (Think Energizer Bunny)

Here I've been organizing this art room hard core for 3 days straight, so you would think I might have enough stuff and never need to buy another thing. Apparently not. Michaels had their flyer in the paper this Sunday and included an extra 50% coupon, so off I went! Bought lots of yummy stuff and used my coupon on Pearl Ex powders. I've used them only once before. I'm going to figure all the wonderful ways to use them, so look for Pearl Ex projects from me soon.

Since I haven't been able to do any art when I'm working on this room (I can barely find my keyboard, give me a break!), I'm in withdrawal. DH came in my 'organized chaos' and said he didn't 'get it'. Didn't get how I can want to do art, scrapbooking, whatever, all the time. He says it might be obsessive. I say maybe he needs to get a hobby! ha With comments like that, he better start sucking up if wants me to immortalize him in collage. hehe

He went off to the basement to practice his new 'sport' solo ping-pong. Apparently there are only 12 people in the US who are good enough to compete with people outside the US. Maybe he hopes to join them and make it to the Olympics? Anyway, he is having fun, maybe it's his new hobby? He was looking up the local 'Ping-Pong Association' last time I saw him.

Organizing Update: Floor is clean, Paper and CS filed, up to my elbows in embellishments now, but almost done. Then flowers, ribbon and ephemera images and I should done with just minor adjustments. I swear I need to celebrate or something! Wonder what else is on sale at Michaels? ha

Here is a sample of some recent collaged ATCs. They were for an ABC Vintage Collage Swap I ran on one of my Yahoo groups. Most of the backgrounds are collage. I can't wait to get back to art. Organized art room pics coming soon.

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