
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Blue Lips and a Second Skin...

What do blue lips, crimped hands and second skin have in common? COLLAGING of course!

A little background for those of you who feel lost... I ran this swap on Art By Moonlight, of collaged 8 1/2" by 11" cardstock. We will use them for ATC backgrounds. ANYWAY, silly me, ran the swap and told people I would cut them up for everyone, since I have a paper trimmmer just gathering dust. Fabulous backgrounds came rolling in, and the paper trimmer started to cringe. It backed up into the corner, shivering from all the thickness on the backgrounds. It finally went on strike and refused to help out. So last night I cut up all the backgrounds with scissors. My hands resemble a 90 year olds in their crimped manner. But HEY, it was fun and I have beautiful backgrounds to use now. It's fun to see everyone's unique style, papers used and layering techniques. When I collage I never have a plan in mind, I just pull out my trusty scraps drawer and start pulling out colors that 'call' to me.

Well back to making yummy things... Oh, what about the blue lips and second skin? That was during the collaging process of course. I use matte Gel Medium for sticking down all my collage items. After doing 4 sheets, my hands had this thick second skin on them. It was really quite cool to peel it off. I felt like I was on CSI or something. You could see all my fingerprints. Or like how Sydney on Alias steals someone's fingerprints and Marshall makes her a 'second skin' of fingerprints to use for some coded secret factory or something. I felt like Sydney! The blue lips were kind of scary though. I was collaging, minding my own business, popping food in my mouth once in awhile (leftover dinner). I went to the restroom and saw in the mirror I had blue lips. *shock*

I think I ate blue ink and probably a fair amount of gel medium. Can I die from that?

1 comment:

  1. those are some beautiful collages..and I don't think you can die from the ink & gel, it is non toxic, right :) Sorry your cutter went on strike...


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