
Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Read Misty's blog this afternoon and she challenged people to try to answer these, so I did. First 5 people to read my list, try it as well.

Five minutes to yourself:

  • (If I had a clean desk and an organized room?) Create some backgrounds. Otherwise, computer time.

Five bucks to spend right now:

  • I'm hungry. Chipotles Steak Burrito Bol.
Five items in your house you could part with, right now, that you hadn't thought of already?
  • I have tons of stuff I haven't used in 5 years, so the first 5 I pick up I guess (like old clothes, old business inventory, old paperbacks, exercise equipment not used, etc...)
Five items you absolutely, positively could never part with in your house?
  • Computer, Printer/copier/scanner, Art Supplies (can't I group these as one?), Camera, Pictures (Family members are a given, right? )
Five words you love?
  • Hmmm, hard one. Ephemera, Fiddlesticks, Blessed, Organization, Enchante (french for delighted)


  1. Thank you so much for your honest and heartfilled comment! I so much feel that it's all a learning experience! Kids really makes life interesting, wonderful, and difficult! I really thank you for your honesty!
    Best wishes!!!

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    1. If I had five minutes to myself, I would sit outside and let the suns warmth shine on my face with my head tilted back and my eyes closed.
    2. If I had five bucks to spend I'd probably buy a newspaper and a cup of french vanilla cappacino from QT.
    3. Five items I could part with hard of a question...can't think of a single thing I'd want to part with!
    4. Five items I can not part with are my framed family photos, scrapbooking supplies, Coca-Cola Collection, Christmas decorations collection, and my dogs.
    5. Mercy (my grandma used to say this), H-O-Q hot (a dear family friend that has since passed away always said that), Mooooommmmmm
    (my mom says she can always tell when I need something by how long I draw out my word mom), I love you to Grant (he signs and says I love you cute), uh-huh!

  3. I did this on my blog. It was fun.

  4. Five Minutes to Myself? A chair massage... my back is in knots.
    Five bucks? A ticket to the $2 cinema & popcorn.
    Five Items I could part with? I could reach fifty items in most rooms -- too cluttered.
    Five Items I couldn't part with? Computer, camera, pictures (I liked your list!), my king size bed, and scrapbook stuff
    Five words I love? Awesome, dude, unclench (word of my month right now), prissy, wow


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts.