
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Vacation & Homeschool

Vacation was fabulous. The mail when I got home was wonderful. Homeschool starting again yesterday? Not so fun. ha It was like throwing water on my vacation fire! Oh well, back to the ole grind stone. Trying to make the kids' homeschool year more exciting and we're going over things to make sure we haven't missed anything we need to cover for their grades. Fun Fun Fun. *eyeroll* (can you feel my pain? I'm still planning things. When its all planned I'll feel much better.)

Vacation . After several huge delays in our flight we just barely made it to the beachfront place before the sun set. The setting was gorgeous and the pics that came out of my new camera will be a joy to experience over and over. I can't wait to start scrapping everything (and I haven't felt like scrapping in awhile!)

On Saturday I met up with a lady I had only known online for the last 2 years, Janet (we're both on the DT at Sweet as pie really. We had the best time going out to lunch and getting a pedicure! My feet have never looked so good! She also helped us with some Disney tickets. I wish I had had more time to spend with her... Next time for sure!

We had the best time in Orlando. We met family at the rented (gorgeous!) house and swam, ate, laughed and dragged ourselves through 5 days of parks. Only thing I would do differently is have more time (OH! And not get burned the first day at the beach. *eyeroll*) Because of rain delays, we ended up shoving the majority of our park visits into 4 straight days. We were dog tired at night. But we really did enjoy it. Best news of the trip was, my parents got a call about a job daddy had applied for, and he was accepted. So within a month, they are moving back home! We've missed not having them around. They've been in Georgia for almost 3 years.

Okay, cutting this post short and I'm off to finish planning homeschool stuff before the kids get home from church. I'll update later with more pictures and info about all the yummys I rec'd in the mail too!


  1. Fabulous sunset picture. I am a total sucker for a good sunset/sunrise! Glad it all came together for you Kris!

  2. Great picture of you and Janet!


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