
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Domestication of Me...

I've been a domestic goddess this last week. Well, not really, but I sewed tea towels for a swap. Does that count? Yes, I'm behind on this swap but hey! They're done now. I got the most adorable tea towel from my partner. I use it daily. I'll have to take a pic of it, after it comes out of the wash.

Now, be kind. I know, it looks like a 12 year old did some stitching, but I'm really 12. No seriously. I am! Well, I'm 12 INSIDE then... I even bought embroidery patterns but in the end I resorted to my own sketching and handwriting.

Includes hand quilting and embroidery and some edge stitching on my new machine I'm still getting the hang of.

Okay, I'm off to find the needle I lost in the bed before DH wants to sleep in it.

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