
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Blessings to You!

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

Can it really be that another year has flown by? It's been filled with ups, downs, art and life, times of struggle and unspeakable joy. This was the year I started my blog, the year I met and cultivated new friendships, the year I started sewing again (or maybe I'm just collecting fabric? ha) I pray the new year brings more of a focus to my art, a closer relationship with God and my family, a cleaner house *wink*, more joy than I've known before. I pray the same for you too.

Our Christmas was a special time spent with family and my parents in their new abode. We rounded out our Christmas with the movie 'Night At The Museum'. Great family time! I hope your celebration was as memorable.

This New Year weekend finds us moving quite slow. A couple of us have bad colds/fevers and DH is down with back spasms. I forsee a very sedate New Years celebration. My weekend plans to clean my art room have fallen by the wayside. I've been reading so many wonderful artsy magazines and blogs while cooped up here in the sick bed, that I'm itching to create. Several new blogs I've found that I love and want to share:

I rec'd many wonderful things for Christmas including a Clover Mini Iron and a GC to Borders. I'm excited to pick up a few art books. I'm looking at Collage Unleashed and I saw that Audrey recommended Mixed Media Explorations. I would love it if you would share your favorite art books. I don't want to buy books I will just peruse and then leave on the shelf. I want useful books.

Have fun making New Years resolutions you won't keep. As for me, I don't think I'll make any this year. I think I'll just wing it! *wink* Happy New Year. May your year be blessed.


  1. Hello! Your blog is beautiful, and I want to thank you for including my blog on a list of blogs that you like!

    Happy and Blessed New Year to you and yours, too!


  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Happy New Year, Kris! I have enjoyed keeping updated on your creative energy through your lovely blog.

    Collage Unleashed is a great book -it was just given to me for Christmas this year. There are lots of fun tips for projects involving paper, fabric, and just about everything in between. You'll enjoy the vivid, bold uses of color and ideas.

    Peace and all the best in 2007!

  3. Hi Kris! I hope you feel better soon, and thanks for the link!

    Best wishes!

  4. Happy New Year. :) You have such a fun and detailed blog I need to get over here more. Now that Christmas is over, I can devote more time to pleasurable reading!

  5. Happy New Year, Kris!!! Hope you feel better soon.
    And just to prove you wrong, I'm going to keep at least one of my new year's resolutions! LOL I like your winging it idea, though. Why didn't I think of that?

  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Kris...i don't think you will be disappointed in the Mixed Media Explorations book. I know you work with fabric also so I think you will enjoy it. I am amazed what Beryl Taylor can do with fabric and paper in that book. If you get it let me know what you think. Happy New Year!


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