
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas Craftiness

Ahhh, the Christmas season is upon us! I'm not ready! I guess you can never be 'ready' according to the list you form in your head. It will never be perfectly according to what you want. I think the process of getting ready for Christmas is the joy in the season. At least I'm holding onto that thought, since I already feel so behind...

I made an advent garland (click to see larger) for the ScrapAddict design team and we've been taking off a booklet each day in December and writing things we're thankful for, and then hanging them on a little Christmas tree. Examples of a few thankful thoughts (remember, some of these are from children *wink*):
- God and Jesus
- family
- friends
- Chipotles & Rooster Booster Lite (can't imagine whose this was!)
- my 2 cats
- sister
- my girls, especially when they laugh out loud
- 7 yr old girls who conduct an orchestra in their underwear (it was happening at that moment. ha)
- art, any kind of art (from DD)
- hot cocoa and coffee
- snow and winter weather
- mom and dad
- heat, water, light, warm beds and clean clothes

I'm working on some simple ornaments (made with copies of old postcards) to include in secret santa packages and christmas cards. You can't really tell by the pics but there is glitter in various forms on each piece and the bird has a jewel eye. The background is green sequin waste. I'm thinking they need maybe some fake berries woven into the bottom or a clip of some kind? Not sure yet...

And here is just a taste of some other things I'm working on. I'll share them soon. (sorry, scanner scanned a bit wacky, but you get the idea.)

I'm behind in my Christmas cards. Besides the swap I did awhile back (and made 10 cards), I only have 1 card made so far. I like this new design though. Found something like it in an older Martha Stewart book. Great way to use up ribbon scraps. Hopefully I'll get a few more made soon. I have another planned with buttons. Stay tuned!

This picture of the girls (above) will be inside when I send out the cards. Aren't they adorable?! Happy December!


  1. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME on the Advent calendar - I love that idea.

  2. I love all your neat projects Kris! You are a creative genius!

  3. I just love the things you come up with to create! So beautiful!!!


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