
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How's life?

It's been a busy week so far. Has it been a busy week for you? It's not like we've gone anywhere. In fact, God threw beautiful fluffy white snow at us today. Such a surprise. I guess if I watched the news I probably would have known he was going to do that. Let's see. What have I done in my boring life this week?
eFiled my taxes. eFiled again (made a mistake.) Can't wait for the money. 'We're gettin' new furniture' (sung in a sing-song voice). I'm so happy. I need a kitchen table and a couch and maybe a new pluffy chair for the living room too. Can't remember the last time I had new furniture. I'm sure I'll try to sneak in a couple new art tools too (like a Dremel tool. Do you think DH is reading this? *shock*)
Ordered from Dick Blick again. Their canvas sale is too good to resist. Plus I talked 3 friends into some orders as well, so we combined. The big watercolor paper is a fabulous price too (90 lb & 140 lb). I can't wait to use it.

Been making new things. I feel so artsy and inspired this week and over the weekend. Don't know why. I got some more iron in me, so maybe I just needed the boost of energy? Made some cards (sold one too!), ATCs, a couple new canvases and threw them all up on

I bought some things for the girls on Etsy too, for Valentine's Day. There is something about buying handmade stuff from handmakers. Supporting their habit is like condoning mine. I like that. Plus they make great stuff. I bought this for 14 yr old, and this for my 7 yr old. Ohh, bought soap ends too, to try out for DD's excema. Hoping something works.
That's about it in my life. Oh, and I think we ate our way through 6 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, in one week?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

ETSY Creations

Okay, DD and I have stepped over into the dark side. We've actually done some art to sell on Etsy. I've put up just a couple in our new store, but I'll get some more up over the weekend, as she has done 4 and I've done 5! We're art making fools!

DD Alex' Artwork:

I'm never sure how to price things, even though I sold on Ebay for years. It's always a fine line between what people will buy things for and what I'm willing to let things go for, kwim? How do you price your selling items if you sell? Do you have some magic formula you can tell me about?

It's been a busy week of homeschool, reading and lots of art. DD and I have had fun staying up late to work. We feel so creative. I know I do.

I went out tonight to crop with some dear friends. We had a wonderful time although I didn't get much done. I just can't THINK with all the talking. All around me they're making fabulous cards, altered clipboards and scrapbooking up a storm and I just sit there staring at all the stuff I brought. I did however, organize all the stamps I own! It took 2 tote bags and 1 3-ring binder to bring all them with me (unmounted) and now they're organized by subject order. I just need some new drawers to put them in! (Sorry, DH, I need more drawers! ha) Thanks to Mindy's son for making a Chipotle run for me, when I was pouting that I didn't have any, like Mindy's DD was eating. Thanks to Mindy, Kathleen, Trish and Rhonda for a fabulous evening!

Okay, I'm off to stay up late and watch The Guardian, which came in this week from Netflix. Don't you just love Netflix? Have you seen that show, Ace of Cakes on Food Network? Well, this week they made a cake that looked like a chinese takeout box with noodles and veggies and then netflix envelopes on the outside. Apparently it was for a couple whose favorite date night thing to do was order in chinese and watch Netflix movies. Sounds like my kind of date!


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Spoilage Goin' On...

Me me me! I've been spoiled with goodies! I always forget to take photos of and talk about my fabulous packages I receive from swaps and swap-bot partners! I received the most beautiful Christmas packages over the holidays that would make you drool! But I just ripped into them and promptly started using them and eating up all the edible goodies. *wink* I guess that is what they are for, right? But today I thought I would share 2 items I rec'd this week and I'm in love with.

My Potholder partner knitted (I think its knitted and not crocheted?) these gorgeous red potholders. How did she know that red is one of my favorite colors?!

And then, lovely Audrey... I simply asked her about those faux stamps (from 100 Proof Press) she had on this creation and she emailed me saying she wanted to send me some. I selfishly said YES! But that's not all, not only did I receive the stamp sheets, she sent me the ARTWORK as well! I was flabbergasted! It's up on my art wall in a place of prominence now. I mean, an Audrey piece of work. Who wouldn't be thrilled?! Thanks Audrey!

I've been sewing just a bit. Finished up my own potholders for my partner. I hope she likes them. Also worked on a pillow for an uncoming swap. Can't wait to find out my partner and send this baby off!

Took advantage of a great sale on canvases at Dick Blick last week. DD is always drawing (she is amazing) and I decided to buy her 20 canvases (9x12). While I was at it, I got another 20 for me (6x6). I have grand ideas of making art to hang and sell. DD is wanting to do the same thing. She rec'd a huge art set from grandparents this Christmas and she loves to paint with acrylics and oils. I wish I could dream up pics like she does. But I'll do things my own way. Keep an eye out for creations coming soon to a blog near you.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Random Tuesday Thoughts

So, I've been cleaning off my desk (YES, again...) and I found all the recipes I used last week for dinners plus one that a friend gave me, and I decided to make January 'Cook & Bake' month on my Obsessing Over blog (which I have never used until now.) Thought I would post a new obsession each month. This month seems to be all about food and cooking. Let's just be clear. I don't usually cook. DH is the gourmet cook in our house. But I HAVE cooked all those and deem them delicious. So anyway, if you need a new recipe to try, head over there (I really really recommend the Tortellini!) February's obsession will probably be weight loss tips if I'm not careful with all this cooking! lol

Saw new stamps in my email today from
Cloth Paper Scissors. I want the Traditional ATC Backgrounds, the Mosaic Elements and the Traditional Borders stamps! Did I mention I am broke?! lol But they're oh so yummy. Does anyone subscribe to Quilting Arts? I'm wondering if I would enjoy it. I need to find an older copy I can look through. My library doesn't carry it. Have one to trade me? I can send some collage materials in place of it... Email me.

Did you see Claudine Hellmuth (writer/artist of 'Collage Discovery Workshop' & 'CDW & Beyond' books) on Craft Lab this week? Making the most adorable puppetish things. I loved the show. You really outta start watching this show!

Final thought: DD was just making a grilled cheese sandwich and she said 'I'm mayonnaising it inside'. I found this funny that a condiment just became a verb! Which got me to thinking, how many normal words do we make into wacky verbs? I can think of a few ('glittering it up', glamming, mod podging, queueing, thrifting, sandwiching....) can you? Okay, I think Queueing is a word according to
Merriam Webster. But did you know that is the only common word in English that has five vowels in a row? Learn something new everyday! Tell me your wacky verbs!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Artist Critique Group

Thanks for all the suggestions on what books to buy with my Borders GC. I ended up with Collage Unleashed and Mixed Media Explorations. It's funny, after I posted about MME, it happened to come in for me from the library. So I figured, 'just look at it and get inspired and then you don't have to buy it'. I couldn't do it, I had to purchase it. And there are not many books I say that about. I love all the step by step techniques in it. I plan to kind of use it as a spring board for projects & ideas I want to develop at the beginning of this year.

An idea hit me the other day. Okay, it started to grow awhile back when I was surfing through all these new blogs I hadn't seen before. I want to start an artist critique group in my area. I saw on one of the many blogs I read that someone belonged to one (I can't find that blog now to save my life *eyeroll*.) where they had monthly projects, monthly meetings and a core group of dedicated participants who want to further their art. I want to find serious artists who are honing their craft and are willing to come together and share their techniques, ideas, etc... I think I need this. I need to discover if I'm really playing around or if I can actually make something of my art. Either way, I intend to find out this year. I need FOCUS for sure. If you belong to a serious art group or have knowledge on starting one (or links to information), please share it. I'm really interested in getting something started within a month.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I keep forgetting to share a pic of the things I made my SILs' and mom for Christmas. You may remember this post where I teased you with a scan of what I was working on. I loosely used this pattern to make wallhangings. I think I really just let it get me started and then I made it up as I went along. I realized after I had given the gifts, that I forgot I wanted to add hand stitched trees. Oh well. That is what I get for starting on them so late. DD and I sewed all day on Saturday before Christmas eve. We watched probably 4-5 movies! All that verse stitching. But my SILS and mom seemed to enjoy them and their simplicity, so I won't worry about it. I'll be more prepared next year if I'm making something.

(I only have pics of 2, forgot to take a pic of the third.)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Today is good...

It's a good day. It's the start of a new week where we don't HAVE to think about last week's mistakes and problems. We can just start over and enjoy the moment. I think I'm feeling good today. My cold is gone and I actually did some art last night for the first time in awhile. I missed it. Not that it was great art, but I cracked open gel medium and my ephemera drawers. I feel creative today! (Altered Ceramic Tiles)

2nd blog challenge of the year (on ScrapAddict) was posted today, and remember I *hand held high in the air* promised to participate this year:

*NOTE: If you're reading along, you are TAGGED! Answer these questions and link back and I'll come visit your blog!*

Complete these sentences:
1. I've come to realize that my life is... messy. Not sure I like it this way or not, but it is what it is so I work around it.
2. I am listening to... my child whine about being tired. She thinks it will get her out of having to do homeschool. *mommy eyeroll happenin' right here*
3. I talk... fast, alot and over people sometimes. Very bad habit. But I have such a pletheora of useless knowledge to impart to others! (NOT!)
4. I love... when it rains. I wanna curl up in my quilts & pillows, hug my kids, have hot chocolate, popcorn and play board games all day. I think this is what we must have done sometimes on rainy days when I was a kid. Thanks mom.
5. My best friends... change with time. In fact, what really is a best friend? I usually think of my mom as my best friend, or my oldest DD, because I talk to them the most about stuff. I do stuff with them for fun. But I don't have too many girlfriends that I go out to lunch with, shop with, etc... Not as I've gotten older.
6. Love is... hugs, and smiles and kind words. Its daily struggles, bills, trips to the store for groceries. Love is the doing and being of everyday life with family and special friends. Love is not so much an emotion as a physical showing of how much you value a person. Love is hard sometimes but so worth it.
7. Somewhere, someone is thinking... 'I could've had a V-8!' Or maybe 'why am I reading this boring blog?' ha
8. I'll always ... have a brain that goes a mile a minute. DH says he wonders what goes on in my little brain. I'm always thinking of something, making lists, crafting something in there, filing away useful and useless information for future use. I never want to become lethargic in my thinking.
9. The last time I cried was because... I fell down hard on the ice and snow in November. Hurt my hip. Not fun.
10. My cell phone... is probably an unnecessary expense since I'm home most the time. But as soon as I leave the house without it, I feel lost. I feel safer and more connected with it. I don't have to guess what others might want, I just call.
11. Before I go to bed... I plan to read my John Grisham book 'The Innocent Man', or at least a good portion of it.
12. Right now I am thinking about... how adorable my DD looks right now in the circle chair in the living room, next to the lit up Christmas tree, falling fast asleep. (Yes! for those keeping track, I gave in and let her lay down.)
13. Today I... will try to be less rigid, less easily irritated, more affable to my family.
14. Tonight I will... cook dinner, do more art, wash some clothes and enjoy my DH and kids. (Yes, dear, I said cook dinner. Don't faint!)
15. Tomorrow I will be... better at eating healthier (she says as she stuffs leftover enchiladas in her mouth.)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Waxy Art & 2007 Predictions

I just love my Christmas present! Okay, it was one of those things that I've seen all my altering idols use in their creations and so I just 'had to have it'! It's been sitting on my shelf since Christmas. However, yesterday on Diy's Craft Lab, Traci Bautista was visiting. She used my little mini iron! The girls and I were so excited we tried the 'Painting With Crayons' technique she showed. Now we just need to use our papers make in new creations! I just love learning something fun. (p.s. The pink yummy chocolatey page is mine. *wink*)

Finally, before I run back to cleaning my art room, the First Blog Challenge of 2007 was posted on ScrapAddict and I promised *hand held up high, solemning swearing* to participate this year... Here goes:

"2007 is here. What do you want to accomplish for YOURSELF this year? What are you goals or dreams? What are you most looking forward to? Give us a prediction of how you see your life going in 2007."

I'm looking forward to the whole year. After all, if you're not looking forward to a whole, unwritten year of opportunities to come, then what is the point in smiling at all? This year for me, is all about focus and reduction. I want to focus my interests. Figure out what I like most about art and do that (and stop telling myself I 'can't' do something). Focus my energies on what is best for me, my family and what God wants me to do/be. I also want to reduce the amount of stuff we have collected. Many previous businesses of stuff is in my basement, each room has too much stuff and not enough places for it all and it frustrates us when we can't find something or keep the place clean. This is a huge one for me. Making our home our sanctuary again. A place we want to be and feels comfortable. Lastly, I think its going to be a great year. With my parents now moved back in town, its just nice to have them nearby again. All is right with the world as I see it...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

ABC Things About Me...

Liz unwittingly TAGGED me when I went and visited her blog. I hate those surprise attacks. This is unfortunate for all my visitors as well. You visit, you're tagged too. When you're done making yours, hop back and let me know and I'll come visit your blog! Okay, here goes:


A - Available or single: Well, I'm married, but available for comment
B - Best friend: mom or my DD Alex I would say... Maybe Beck in Alaska? Of course she moved to Alaska so far away, so...
C - Cake or pie: Cake. Especially chocolate. Do brownies counts as cake?
D - Drink of choice: Iced tea with lemon
E - Essential item you use everyday: computer, lipstick
F - Favorite color: 70's greens, although I'm kind of partial to aquas lately.
G - Gummy bears or worms: not really a fan of either

H - Hometown: Where I was born? Raleigh, NC, where I grew up? Too many to name, but mostly Kingston NY and here, Grandview, MO.
I - Indulgence: Chipotle's Steak Burrito Bol and QuickTrip's Rooster Booster lite of course!
J - January or February: Probably February. I love LOVE.
K - Kids & names: Alexandria & Sophia
L - Life is incomplete without? my kids and DH
M - Marriage date: July 9, 1988
N - Number of siblings: 3 younger brothers, of course this makes me the wisest. *wink*

O - Oranges or apples: I like both. Lately we're in love with oranges around here though. But give me a good Granny Smith and I'm happy.
P - Phobias or fears: fear of something happening to my children, not too hip on crowds or full elevators or parking garages either. It's a space thing.
Q - Fave quote: "Live in the Present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment." - Henry David Thoreau
R - Reason to smile: Lately any pretty fabric makes me smile, comtemplating the things I can make.
S - Season: fall. I'm a fall girl.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Everyone at SA (we'll count that as one *wink*), Audrey, Trisha, and anyone formerly known as ScrapbookersDream girls(you know who you are!)
U - Unknown fact about me: I don't know. I pretty much tell all. I let it all hang out, literally. Oh, I tap my DH on the head several times a night when his snoring gets loud. Is that mean? It does stop him for a bit though... It's not like I'm sticking my fingers up his nose or anything!
V- Vegetable you don't like: Can't think of any.
W - Worst habit: Procrastination
X - Xrays: The usual ones the Dr. does when they finally get me to come in for my yearly.
Y - Your fave food: Chinese, or spinach chicken enchiladas. Also please see letter 'I' above.
Z - Zodiac sign: Well, technically I'm a libra, but I don't put much stock in horoscopes and how they tell me what my life is like. Life is what you make of it, and where God may lead.

That was fun!