
Saturday, January 13, 2007

Artist Critique Group

Thanks for all the suggestions on what books to buy with my Borders GC. I ended up with Collage Unleashed and Mixed Media Explorations. It's funny, after I posted about MME, it happened to come in for me from the library. So I figured, 'just look at it and get inspired and then you don't have to buy it'. I couldn't do it, I had to purchase it. And there are not many books I say that about. I love all the step by step techniques in it. I plan to kind of use it as a spring board for projects & ideas I want to develop at the beginning of this year.

An idea hit me the other day. Okay, it started to grow awhile back when I was surfing through all these new blogs I hadn't seen before. I want to start an artist critique group in my area. I saw on one of the many blogs I read that someone belonged to one (I can't find that blog now to save my life *eyeroll*.) where they had monthly projects, monthly meetings and a core group of dedicated participants who want to further their art. I want to find serious artists who are honing their craft and are willing to come together and share their techniques, ideas, etc... I think I need this. I need to discover if I'm really playing around or if I can actually make something of my art. Either way, I intend to find out this year. I need FOCUS for sure. If you belong to a serious art group or have knowledge on starting one (or links to information), please share it. I'm really interested in getting something started within a month.


  1. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Kris...I knew you would like Mixed Media Explorations :o) Sorry I can't help with the rest of your entry. I posted on my blog that those were perforated stamps. If you want some email, me and i will put some in an envie for you. later.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Okay, still count me in, and FYI, yes, I went home and ordered the Mixed Media book that same afternoon (after looking through your copy). While I was on the 'puter, Jordan was all looking over my shoulder, and talked me into a few books for him, as well. That's a whole other subject--online shopping. Good thing, or bad??

    But what do you mean, "make something of my art"--as in, do you have a specific goal in mind? Maybe it would be easier to focus if you know what your goal is. And maybe you do, I'm just saying . . .
    does that make sense??


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts.