
Friday, June 15, 2007

Excuse my dust...

As you can see, I'm highly inept at making the blog presentable. The darn header hates me. (If you know how to resize the actual box which the header goes inside - see that white line? That thingie..., then email me. I need help!) I had to mess with it because I was MESSING with it in the first place, simply adding new links. And somehow lost background color and shape. It was a sad thing... *sigh*

Anyway, ignore the mess. I leave you with some ATCs I've made in the last day or so...


  1. Pretty!!

    You can make the header box whatever size you can email me if you still need help.

  2. Anonymous11:10 PM

    These are all fabulous. Love the top set. Is the background alcohol inks........beautiful effect :o)

  3. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Oh these are SO gorgeous Kris!


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