
Saturday, June 02, 2007

Park Fun & Altered Book Page

Beautiful day out today. The kids and I went to the park for a little homeschool gathering. They got to see friends for the last time until fall. My youngest DD immediately discovered the creek, a dead possum that 'you can see all his bones and stuff still, mom!' and a beaver dam, complete with beaver. I want to send DH back there with her so she can explore it more (I'm not really the outdoors type. I'm more the 'let me stay home in my nice air conditioning and play with my artsy stuff' type of person.)

** disclaimer - if you're Debbie F from my altered book club, turn your head, click off this blog until after tomorrow afternoon. *wink* **

Okay, now with Debbie safely shooed away... I finished up my spread in her altered book this evening. I sense a theme in my head. I must love royalty or something! lol Her topic was 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' and I was super stumped. Everyone had already covered the shopping, clothes, makeup, girly girl stuff. I'm so NOT girlie girl. I own one pair of shoes, I hate clothes, makeup or shoe shopping. If my hair is brushed, I'm good. But an idea popped in my head yesterday about girls wanting to be princesses when they're young, and maybe queens when we grown up? lol So I went with that.

The ''castle' is actually a beautiful cathedral from my wonderful book 'Great Cathedrals' by somebody Fry. Oh, Plantagenet Somerset Fry. Do you think that is actually someone's name or a company? Anyway... The chair. Oh, I love that chair. It's from a chair book I have called 'Chairs' oddly enough. lol It has from ancient to modern chairs with all periods in between. Fabulous book! It was a lucky find at a thrift store. Both books were finds.

(Click for Closeup)

Okay, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow holds a lot of fun. A scrapbook sale (I want embellishments!) A twins birthday party, altered book club. And then some thrift store shopping. I always look forward to that. Hopefully a little art in the evening. Hope your Saturday is as fun as mine!


  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Fabulous job on your page Kris! GREAT interpretation of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" theme!

    Hope you have a great weekend! Sounds like it's gonna be a full one! :-)

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Okay, okay, I haven't checked your blog for a while, and now it's all blog, blog, blog everywhere!

    Keep posting--I love looking at all
    your stuff! :)

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Kris.....this spread is awesome. I love the pink and black together and that chair is awesome :o)


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