
Monday, July 30, 2007

Weekend Activities

It was a busy weekend. DD decided to hold a lemonade stand on Friday (or maybe it was Thursday, can't remember). She had only 4 cups (this wasn't a planned business venture) and no real lemonade. She went with grape crystal lite, set up her stand/box and put up signs. She figured she had 4 cups, sell each for $0.25, she would make a $1. But she underestimated her 'cute' factor. She sold all 4 cups in 15 minutes and made $3. DH said he was going to quit work and open a lemonade stand himself! lol I reminded him he isn't as cute.

I have several ATCs I've made lately but just haven't put them up here. Here goes:

We spent a lovely evening and next day picnic with friends in from Argentina. I made a lo-carb cheesecake that people seemed to like (especially ME! ha). Busy week ahead. Getting ready for an 8 yr old birthday party here, need to work on my altered book (due Saturday) and many other things...

I challenge you to do something artsy you've been putting off and putting off. Show me a link to it!

1 comment:

  1. omg HOW CUTE!!! I am a sucker for the cute adorable!


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