
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Godzilla & French Presents

I dreamt in color last night. I love those types of dreams. I only dream in color when I've been creating a lot before I go to bed. I dreamt of a painted paper collage where I glued, and painted, and drew with wild abandon, not worrying if anything was lined up at all. My brain likes to be all linear on me, lining things up, not adding 'too much stuff' to something, but my creative side wants to create freely. They're always fighting in my head. Last night I worked on a piece, that traditionally, everything SHOULD be lined up. (when its done, I'll show.) So its probably why my subconscious was craving disorder.

DH has my 8 yr old DD hooked on Godzilla now. They've been catching the old black and white movies on Saturdays and she just loves them. She built a towering Godzilla yesterday out of old (and new) priority mail boxes I had. She wanted him to be 'as tall as me' she said and I think he is just. She is in the process of painting him green now, but I thought I would share how he started. Isn't he cute?

I've been remiss in thanking my friend Sarah for the gorgeous package she sent me from France last week. I joined the SOSF Tea Party where we exchange packages, and boy was I a lucky one. I love everything I received! She even sent tiny sparklers we can do in the house!

This is a copy of a page from her journal. Isn't she a gorgeous painter? She said this is a painting of the garden where the lavender she sent is from.

Closeup of some of the yummy tea (I wish you could smell it!) and the postcards she sent.

This lavender smells so heavenly. It's still sitting in my art room because I love the smell. She sent a recipe for 'Lavender Tea Cookies' and 'Lavender Frosting' AND, if you'll notice in the first pic, she also sent SPRINKLES! We're going to have fun making these cookies!

I can't wait to use this paper in a collage. It's so beautiful. I'm also going to reuse the black envelope the card came in, since its a type of handmade paper.

It's a beautiful day today in my part of the country. Okay, its hot and I have the air conditioner on full blast... but one DD is painting a Godzilla, and another is listing stuff on Ebay so I DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL. I think this means all is well with the world. Hope your day is a lovely one...


  1. What a terrific package! Lucky girl. Thanks for posting.

  2. What a lovely package. Lavender is cropping up everywhere in my life at the moment... was it all from provence?

  3. You will love making those little dress forms, so fun and easy!
    Sandra Evertson

  4. What a great package! We expect more updates on Godzilla!

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Dear Favorite Daughter. Thank you so very much for making the beautiful composition books for the pastors' appreciation cards. They will love them. I will volunteer more carefully. I'll ask you first then say "Sure she will!" Your artwork is amazing. I am proud of you. Mom


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