
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Giveaway - Art - Book Update

So I suck at this giving away stuff! lol It's been a crazy week and a half. Didn't take the time to come post and check in with everyone. I'll choose a winner or two by tomorrow night AND post pics of the packages mailing to the winner/s. So here's your chance to get your name in still (post here and/or sign up for my feedblitz to receive updates on posts.) To name a few things, I have vintage music, book pages, game pieces, bingo cards, ribbon and trim, collage & magazine images, baggie of patterned paper scraps, 2 unfinished handmade wands. I'm sure there's more, can't think of what I've put in the 'get rid of pile' at the moment.

I've had a bit of bad news this last week. Gallbladder surgery is in my future. Coming up on the 6th. So dealing with that, and homeschool paperwork has taken up my time. You all still love me though, right? So if you don't see me around a bit next week, you know where I am.

I've had a whole pile of good news this week though! I was asked to be on the design team for a wonderful Collage Sheets (and more) store! Altered Pages. I'm so excited! I can't wait to start working with Jackie's sheets! Go look at them, you'll not leave the website for quite a while! lol

I did get a bit of time to work this weekend on some items for Etsy again
(I had time for either creating or blog posting/surfing. I chose creating). I felt creative making these, probably because I did straight collage again. I miss doing that. Made several valentines for a swap and some Valentine's mini cards for Etsy too. Pretty little gift tins to use for anything. Fill with cards, jewelry, paper and pen... whatever. What do you think?

Collage Tins - on Etsy

Valentines Swap House Cards

Mini Valentines - on Etsy

Found a fun site today. Listed about 650+ sites with giveaways this week. Can you say YUM?! Starbucks and Amazon gift cards, fabric, aprons, cameras, etc... I signed up for a few today. Some of them were prizes from Etsy stores. You know how I love Etsy! You should sign up too!
Bloggy Giveaways

UPDATE on Books Pile:
** Lucy asked how I liked the Holly Harrison book. It's my favorite of the pile so far. I thought Altered Curiosities would be, but not yet. I think I love that the Mixed Media Collage featured artists I have not heard of before (except Claudine Hellmuth and Teesha Moore.) Wonderful book.
** So Cathie stopped by. Isn't that exciting?! I love her book. Many simple things in there I want to try, especially the dice bracelet. I would look so stylin' in that, don't you think?! Thanks for stopping by Cathie Filian! P.S. Go look at her January 27th post about 'Getting Nailed'. Don't you remember making those wood things with string and nails? I am SO making me one of those soon!
** 8 yr old DD discovered the Chinese Calligraphy Bible book I brought home from the library. She just picked it up and has decided she is going to master it. She spent over an hour on it Sunday and another hour yesterday! I LOVE watching kids learn! Seriously. I love when they get all determined to learn and get smarter. I get all teary! lol
** The girls and I picked up a few sock sets at the thrift store over the weekend so we can play with the Sock and Glove
book. I foresee an adorable animal or monster coming soon! (we bought some rainbow toe socks! Fun!)
** Well, I'm off to bed for some alone time of reading. Not sure if I'm going to start The Yiddish Policemen's Union or a new book I picked up, Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife. It's supposed to be sort of a continuation of Pride & Prejudice only slightly more scandalous. Both sound engrossing. The review for 'Mr. Darcy' haven't been so good, so who knows... I've heard the trilogy series by Pamela Aidan that retells the Pride & Prejudice story through the eyes of Darcy is supposed to be wonderful. I might check it out instead.

Okay, go forth and create! I'll be back soon.


  1. Surgery! What the heck, woman--don't ever tell ME I don't tell YOU anything! Okay, it's true, I've virtually dropped of the face of the earth, but that's beside the point. E-mail me with a list of demands, ie; dinner for the family (can you eat after that surgery??), babysitting duty, etc)

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    everything is lovely and my favorite is the house cards. they are awesome. I love anything with the house shape. Big congrats on the DT. They are lucky to have you as you create awesome things with collage images.


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