
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

HodgePodge of a Post

The New Year brings thoughts of 'out with the old, in with the new' kind of thinking. Except for all of us packrats (and you know who you are), the 'in with the new' is not something we should be doing! I have so much stuff. My husband calls it junk. I can't part with stuff very well, that 'might' be used in my art 'someday'. If someday ever comes.

My art room has again become the catch all for everything. Its a high traffic area (dining room that leads into the living room kitchen, out to the garage/basement and outside.) So I 'catch' everything that doesn't have a home. Like the impulsive buy of 3 new boxes (of 2000 in each bx) forks and spoons. Hey, they were $1 at a daycare garage sale! So this weekend I sucked it up and cleaned. (watch future posts, I plan to give away and/or trade some of this stuff I don't need.- Won't my DH be so proud! All you packrats out there, you KNOW you need more stuff!)

I tried to refrain from doing art as long as I could. But you know how it is, you start cleaning and find things 'hey, I forgot I had that!' and 'I don't remember ever buying that!' so you get the urge to create. I worked on necklaces over the weekend (see previous post) and Monday and today it was Valentines again. I had the most fun working with trims and fabrics and doilies I didn't know I owned!
And I made my own crepe ruffled trim. I joined a couple Valentines swaps (over on the right) through various flicker groups.

I know, Christmas is over and its probably the furthest thing from your mind (11 months in fact) but I thought I would still post a list of the books I looked at over the holidays. All having to do with Christmas and/or toys. At least now, no one else wants them at the library and you might get to see them quickly! There's a couple books at the end of the list that weren't Christmas.

Celebrating Christmas Ornaments - N. Chertoff

The Craftster Guide to Nifty, Thrifty and Kitschy Crafts - L. Kramer

Vintage Christmas Crafts - S. Toliver

Hot Kitchen & Home Collectibles of the 30's, 40's and 50's - C. Dianne Zweig

Kitschmasland!, Christmas Decor from the 1950s to the 1960s - T. Smith

Kid Stuff - D. Hoffman

An Irish Christmas - M. Carlson (novel)

It's a Wonderful Christmas, the best of the holidays 1940-1965 - S. Waggoner

Timeless toys : classic toys and the playmakers who created them - T. Walsh

Toys A to Z : a guide and dictionary for collectors, antique dealers and enthusiasts - M. Rich

True Colors: A Palette of Collaborative Art Journals (again)

Vintage toys : robots and space toys - J. Bunte

The Ultimate Marbling Handbook - D. Maurer-Mathison

Creative Embellishments for Paper, Jewelry, Fabric & more - S. Kahn

Metal Clay and Mixed Media Jewelry - S. Haab

P.S. I really don't think my DH can complain about my 'junk'. I told him the other day about this art I saw online made of circuit boards and little tube thingies and how cool it was. He said 'oh we throw those away all the time!' I about hyperventilated. He brought me a board today and I was enthralled I don't know what I'm going to make with it, but I was enthralled! lol Have you seen art made with circuit boards and resisters (DH just told me what the tube thingies are called)? I wanna see! Link me.

See this? ----------->
Just wait. Something fun is coming soon!!!


  1. I'm like you, I can barely part with any of my art 'junk'--and I can barely pass up a good bargain either!! My dining room has become my craft (and I even have a craft room so go figure)! I do have to reel it in though-it's getting a little out of control...LOL

    Love all of your Valentine art pieces :)

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    All of your valentine pieces are so pretty :o) Love the crepe paper. It is something i want to use but just haven't gotten around to it.

  3. I love your work1 It is so cool. please enter me for a chance to win your giveaway. Kathy eddy


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