
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Magic Wands

Ever have one of those days that starts out weird or wrong, or just too early? That was today. I was up mondo-early for some testing I had to take and I'm just not a morning person. But it turned into a satisfying day. One of the girls is sick so we had a relaxed homeschool time. They watched Miss Potter and then read books and my youngest started drawing a book of her own. She was inspired by Miss Potter and all her Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddleduck sketches. I just love to see them learn without textbooks. It's like you can see the wheels turning, the ideas forming, the knowledge growing. DD then proceeded to 'invent'. She had string, a sock, salt shaker, pencil, clothes pin and a box. She was making what looked like a chain reaction. She started keeping notes in her 'journal' with hypotheses of what might happen. We started discussing (with what limited knowledge I have) of Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. It was really quite amazing. Now she has drawn plans that involve a spool, a wooden car, cotton, wire and a plug? And she says it somehow has to be attached to the roof before a storm happens. I'm a little scared! lol

Anyway, I worked on things while they were watching the movie. On Altered Gypsy we're doing a Magic Wand swap. I had fun making unorthodox shaped wands in various topics with tongue depressers, chopsticks and again, I used images from Piddix' Etsy Shop. I hope the recipients enjoy them.

The puppy has a new friend. The fridge. Someone made the mistake (ie: ME) of grabbing a small piece of ham out of the bowl on the bottom shelf to give her, now everytime she is near the fridge she is sitting staring at it. Sometimes she barks. She attempts to crawl into the fridge anytime you open it. I think I've created a monster. Or a pig, one of the two! ha Right now she is rolling in and tearing through a roll of Sinamay. Don't know where she got that!

P.S. I ran out of foam brushes today. That should be a crime in many states. I usually buy them 100-200 at a time when they're on sale. I guess its time to shop!

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