
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Welcome Back!

Wow! Where did the year go? I swear it was just October and then POOF! New Years! Sorry I've done no blogging in that time frame. Too many things going on, no art happening at all. You know how it is, once you're 'off' of something its harder to come back. But I do love blogging and blog hopping and art creating and such... so here I am.

How were your festivities and holidays? We had the best time the last couple months. Thanksgiving was a wonderful time of family, food and a Rook marathon. Love that game. In December we were cleaning, organizing and preparing the house for the holidays. Christmas was wonderful. Santa brought me just what I asked for (of course I picked it all out ahead of time...) a puppy! All my own! Her name is Clementine, she is a Shih Tzu and 8 weeks old. She is highly spoiled, sleeps in our bed with her own blanket and pillow and loves to chew on toes and chase the mildly annoyed cats. She's just discovered that there is more tasty food outside her own bowl. She smells meat or anything sugary and she's trying to crawl into your bowl. I discovered today that you even smack your lips and she comes running. It's the funniest thing. A Wii also entered our life at Christmas so I've been getting my exercise, sitting in a chair bowling. lol

We've had the best December for snow. I think it's snowed about 8 times, of course I could be exaggerating but I don't think so. The snow is still on the ground as I type. There is something about the crisp white sparkliness of the snow with the bare tree limbs that makes you feel all cozy and warm. Weird huh. At the first sign of snow this winter, the girls went out and made snow angels. Isn't the snow beautiful!?

Since the New Year has passed (we went to see National Treasure 2 with the girls, wonderful movie), I've been in a creating mood. Homeschool has started again and I've eeked out a bit of time to create while they do their work. THrough a group I belong to, we are swapping out cards for the year's holidays. I was in charge of Valentines and Anniversary cards.

On Altered Gypsy Forums, we're doing a few swaps I'm excited about participating in. We're thinking ahead, to Valentines Day. Yes, I know New Years just passed, but we're embracing love... And shocker of all shockers, I'm ahead of schedule on these. It won't last but...

Valentine's 6x6 Canvas Swap

Valentines Ornament Swap (for some reason the lace one reminds me of Kathy Cano-Murillo's work. Everytime I see the lace one I keep singing 'My Gaudy Valentine' to the tune of My Funny Valentine. Yes, I'm a dweeb like that.)

I have a few other swap items to work on that really have me interested, plus we've planned a monthly challenge (on Altered Gypsy) to do a project out of the latest Somerset Studio and possibly swap them. Chicken Wire Crowns are the idea for January. Wanna make one too? I'll post it here with ours if you send me a pic. If you don't have the magazine, go get it. It's an especially beautiful issue. I love love love Vanessa's canvases on pages 80-83 and I see my friend Audrey's work on page 96 in a canvas book as well! Both so inspiring!

May God bless your New Year. May your creative muses take up residence in your hair and never depart. Go create! And share what you make with me so I may see!


  1. I am so glad you are back! LOL. I love your puppy!!!! And, of course, love your recent pieces of art.

    Dianne K.

  2. The artwork is lovely as always, but I wanna come play with the puppy!

    Let me know if you need some chicken wire. Although it may go the way of the big roll of paper that's now squished to nothingness in the back of the van, along with the MIA pondwater . . . *sigh*

  3. I am soooo jealous of your snow!!! I KNOW! The year waltz right by!! It was more like March then December.. hahahaaaaa! Love it here!


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