
Friday, February 08, 2008

Recouping Activities

So, I'm still alive. The surgery went well on Wednesday. No complications and NO, I did not save my gallbladder and stones in a jar (sorry dad!) Thanks for all the well wishes. Came home last night and DH has been taking care of me ever since. I'm vegging in the bed with DH's laptop, the new Somerset Studio Gallery mag and a couple projects to do that I never take the time to do. Like cutting all my cardstock scraps up into ATC or card size. Cutting images out of discarded Antique and other mags and making notes about ideas I have. Kind of fun but who can lay down this long?! Ugh. I'm ready to be back right as rain...

Since I have lots of time on my hands, I've been catching up on show watching and blogsurfing. I'm so glad
Craig Ferguson is back on the air. I was having serious withdrawals and forced to watch reruns. He's my 'funny' for the day. Makes me crack up. A couple of my shows are still in reruns though which is annoying. PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD, GET IT TOGETHER! I want my shows back! Not that I'm a TV junkie but when I'm done with all the homeschooling, cleaning and art for the day, I want to veg in bed and catch up on shows. Craft Lab is still not new, neither is Stylelicious, all CSIs or several of the Food Network shows. What are you waiting to see that's still in reruns? In the meantime of no new Craft Lab, I've signed up for Jennifer Perkins 'My Space' notifications so I get to see what she is working on. If you like her style, go sign up! Lots of wonderful things she has been making and putting in her store as well. Plus she got a new puppy!

I've been blogsurfing and found several new sites as well as daily challenges, some of which I just might try. What challenges do you participate in? Any I might like?

Challenges: (Go look at her 2/6/08 'elephants' post. Aren't they the cutest?!)
Well, I have a small stack of movies to watch, so I better get crackin'...
To Kill a Mockingbird (classic with Gregory Peck)
Across the Universe
Next in my Netflix Queue:
No Reservations
The Game Plan
The King of Kong
We Are Marshall
Man! My picks are so far away from chick-flick-ish, aren't they?! What's in your Netflix queue?

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