
Saturday, March 08, 2008

School Art, Sewing & FREE Brooch

School, originally uploaded by Collage Contessa.

I've had fun this weekend, have you? My artroom is almost clean (yes, don't be shocked!) And let me tell you, I hate mornings but when the pup pup got up bright and early this morning. I decided to stay up. It was so nice with everyone in bed. I made the school piece you see up there. It's a 9x12" canvas. Listed in Etsy. I also shocked my family by baking a Coffee cake. It's the 2nd thing I've baked this week and apparently I haven't realized how much I DON'T cook around here. DD said I was a cooking maniac with 2 items made this week (also made Pear Upsidedown Cake) and DH got all huffy (in jest) that I was encroaching on his territory. He said if I didn't get out of his kitchen, he was going to go in my artroom and make ATCs. I better bake more. lol

This afternoon I was pulling fabric out for a wallet I want to make for myself, and I found this scrap piece of a 1920's quilt that I have. Gosh, its gorgeous! I decided to make a couple pins to add to my totebag as well as some for the Etsy store. Do you like? Pretty vintage buttons are from grandma's button box.

Making another brooch right now. I'll post it later. Want it? Comment and tell me something you're working on (with a link), or something you like about my Etsy store. I'll draw a winner next week sometime!

Have fun arting!


  1. Anonymous12:45 AM

    This is so cute... my you have been busy, could you come and clean my art room? Please?


  2. Your school art canvas is fantastic.

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Well I can't pick anything specific about your etsy store since i like everything you create. You are always coming up with something new. These brooches/pins are gorgeous. The fabric is awesome. As to what I am working on: I am trying to carve/make some stamps for the newest GPP Crusade. Have you participated in that challenge blog of Michelle Ward's yet? Anyways, hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  4. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I love these fabric pieces!!! And your canvas- PERFECT!!

  5. love your canvas!!:0)

  6. more gorgeous work,:)) thanx for sharing, love the canvas.i am inviting you to come over to mine... i have some feb blog candy up for grabs.. why not bring a friend.

    chriss x

  7. Of course I want a brooch, don't be ridiculous.

    Am working on my son's girlfriend's prom dress. No joke.
    Nothing to show yet, really. And teaching art at the homeschool co-op. Actually posted about that, so ha, there is a link!

  8. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I LOVE your School collage! It's beautiful!!


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