
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yes and No...

Yes. I'm still alive.
No. I haven't moved/died/fallen and can't get up.
Yes. I'm busy.
No. Unfortunately I'm not on Spring break, vacation or any other wonderful sounding change from normal life.

DH asked me if I'd quit blogging (he said this from his easy chair as he can now apparently sit and surf the web in front of the WII. Yes, I said WII. Its a download thing you can do. ) Quit blogging? GASP? Perish the thought!

No. I haven't quit blogging.
Yes. I've been creating a bit. (see below)
No. I'm not done with my Emma book.
Yes. I've been listing on Etsy. And Etsy. (also see pic above)
Yes. Homeschool is keeping me on my toes.
No. I can not wait until summer is here.
Yes. There are much more interesting blogs than mine; here, here and here too!

How's life with you?


  1. You are so kind. I guess I better go write some good stuff for people to read. Thank you for the lovely compliment.

  2. Glad you alive and well! I have been watching for a link to thank you so kindly for the wonderful prize packet you sent me. It was bursting at the seams with great items for creating art! look for ward to using some of it in a journal swap I'm in. Thanks again. kathy Eddy

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Kris...those little houses are gorgeous. Love the beautiful colors you choose for them :)


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