
Friday, April 11, 2008

Bags, Rings, Swap & Crown

A friend of mine asked me what I had been up to. I figured it was time to update the ole' blog. It's been a crazy week, but aren't they all?! We've been doing lots of homeschool. Little dd has chosen France for history/geography and Weather & a bit of Chemistry (science) for the next two weeks. (The normal English, Math and Reading still apply.) We hit the library for a much needed update on our books piles yesterday. Oldest is doing well in finishing up subjects for the year and passing all tests. That's all I ask. Get the info in the brain and pass the test. Then I know she's got something going on in her noggin besides talking to friends and taking photos. lol

I've been on a fabric kick lately. Blame on the weekend. Last Saturday I went on a 'Quilt Shop Hop' with mom and the church quilting group. We rode the church bus and went to about 6 quilting stores. When you're used to Walmart fabric, real quilt stores are an overload to the senses, let me tell ya! So many projects I want to make, so little time. I tried to limit myself and only came home with about 10-12 fat quarters and 2 yards of sale fabric. I also returned to quilting group last week to work on one of those jeans purses. Remember those? I picked up a pair of pink corduroy kids jeans and made a purse for dd. She loves it.

With some of the extra fabric I whipped up this little diddy also using some gorgeous Kaffe Fassett fabric. A little goes a long way, I'm trying to stretch my 1/4 yard. (It's the outside trim.)

On this quilt hop, I saw the most beautiful quilt made of layered flower shapes, edges not sewn down. I tried my hand at an adult sized tote bag just for me. I'm figuring the edges of the flowers will ruffle or fuzz up after being washed. The quilt had the edges gorgeously fuzzed or shredded? I can't think of the word for it but you get the idea. I also used a bit of vintage fabric on the inside. I like how it came out and I keep carrying it everywhere.

This week has also been the week of experimenting. I order ring backs from Supply Riot's Etsy store and received them this week. I have had an idea brewing in my head for some time, which is why I finally ordered some. I'm calling them FingerNests. No picture yet. However, they'll be up in my CollageContessa Etsy store asap, probably Saturday.

What else is going on? Let me think. I finally finished up, packed and shipped a package to my ArtsyMama's Vintage Party Swap partner, Paula. I can't show you full pics yet because obviously she hasn't received her box but here's a few sneak peeks (look away Paula! lol)

Before we made the library trek, I sat down with all the books I hadn't read yet and skimmed them. One of them is Warm Fuzzies. Such beautiful felted items. After the library visit, we hit the thrift store for 50% off winter items and I picked up several sweaters and pants to felt. I've never tried it before, but I'm excited to try now. I've done the needle felting; Trisha and I took a class (see the pillow below) but never wet felt. I'll let you know if I make anything fun.

Remember my crown I was working on? I have officially put it in the mail to Altered Arts Magazine. Not sure what month it will be in the mag but I'm so excited to be included. I'll let you know when its out. A little sneak peek is at the top of the post.

We're in between mailings of Netflix but needed a show to watch for the evening. We went out and rented The Water Horse for the kids, and the Spiderwick game for WII. They've been trying the game out for a couple hours now. It looks very role playing intensive. They scared the crud out of me a bit ago screaming about a goblin trying to eat them! lol They're calling it the 'coolest game ever and they have to have it.' I think that's a pretty good endorsement considering they're 15 and 8. Dh and I rented I Am Legend and Michael Clayton. I quit watching I am Legend about 45 minutes into it. Let's be honest, I wasn't watching it, I was staring at the bed, LISTENING to it. I decided I couldn't do it anymore. DH just came out of the bedroom and says I need to finish watching it and it doesn't get bad. Whatever, I don't think I believe him. I have such an imaginative mind, the images of scary zombies freaks me out. I told him, 'I'm usually up later than you, I'm going to think of the zombies everytime I'm alone!' lol

Okay, I'm back to watching the movie. Then I need to get reading on Emma. Oh, did you see American Idol this week?! Shocking and so stupid. That's all I have to say. Tell me about your week!


  1. fabulous work!!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Wonderful work, Miss Kris. You have been bitten by the creativity bug this week - lots of spring color and texture, too.

    I have my grandma's old sewing machine, but have never learned how to use it without being under the close, immediate instruction of Mom who reminds me to push on the pedal each time. :) Maybe I'll take it out, set it up, and get more acquainted with it this summer for use in collage/stamp projects.

  3. Wow! You are supermom/teacher/homemaker/artist. I'm taking note of all the things you can accomplish in one week. I'll have to push myself to keep up. thanks for the inspiration to keep me focused!


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