
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Computers, Cells, Art & Purchases

Can you imagine a life without computers, cell phones and well... whatever the third thing would be that sounds really good with my sentence? I remember getting our first computer in 1999. What did I do with my life before then? Seriously! I got a cell phone 4 years ago. What did I talk on before then? How did I know what to buy at the store if I couldn't call every 5 minutes to check with home to see if we already had something? Is my life easier now? Harder? Better? I don't know.

I know we use the computer for basically everything and if I was some paranoid conspiracy theory type person I'm sure I would see the use of a computer for everything as the antichrist or impending government regulation. But I'm not and I don't. I mean most everything is easier. I shop online, I order my library books, I sell online, I talk online, I do all our billing online. I process and alter pictures online (like the pic to the left.) I do drive to the library, Walmart and church but that is about it. If I could get over the extra fees that a company charges me to have my groceries delivered I'd probably do that too. Maybe they can pick up my library books on their way? lol I know I've become more of a recluse because of the computer. I make friends on here so who needs to go out for friendship? (Not counting you Rhonda, Trisha, Mindy. mom and SILs. I'd go out to see you all. *smile*)

Why am I rambling on about the internet? I have no idea. Probably because its 1 am and my brain is asleep at the wheel. Anyway, while I've been reclusing (is this a verb), I've been discovering other new verbs and wanted to share. MySpacing, Twittering, Craigslisting. I've been making lots of faux-friends on My Space. It's so nice to go there and see that another 10 people wanna be your 'friend'. Most of them are artisty/etsy type people; that's cool. Jennifer over at NSC turned me on to Twittering. Now I'm a regular twitterer. I twitter all the time. Well except in the bathroom or the shower. But other than that... It can be addictive. You post and read posts of little snippets of peoples lives. Now mind you, some people post crap. Whatever pops into their head, they post. But I usually quit following those people. I like finding people who have similar interests. As I said, very addictive and I can post right from my phone (I love unlimited texting!)

Since we've decided we want to move or at least fix up our house so we like it again, we've been clearing out the garage. I've been listing on Craigslist and have sold a couple things. It would be nice if they would just all be sold. I hate to throw things away, don't have time to Ebay them and feel like its lost money to just donate to the thrift store. We've already taken truckloads to them. Do you use Craigslist where you live? I might try FreeCycle this week as well. You try that?

Gosh, I have the gift of gab tonight but terrible writing skills. My thoughts are not flowing succinctly.

And now, in the world of Contessa-crafting...

I've made a talisman this week (for Creative Therapy Challenge)

I'm in a Paris Swap this month. Here's sneak peeks of some things I've made. Just snippets so my partner can't see. bwaahahahahahahahaha

I've bought these this week from Cookoorikoo (1st 2 are mine, last 2 are dd's choices.) They were super affordable! Won't I be stylin' now?! lol

Naughty Secretary Club has their annual Administrative Professionals sale this week so I finally broke down and bought the ring I've been wanting forever! Yay me. Go look. Everything is 25% off now. (I think she's out of my ring so I can't show you a pic. I'll post one when it gets here.)

I joined this swap last week, due May 19th. I need to get my patootie in gear a-creatin'. What are you doing this week?


  1. 1) So glad to be the one that brought you into the world of Twitter. It is addicting hugh?

    2) Love that little peacock.

    3) Thanks for posting about sale!!!!

  2. beautiful work!!! the peacock is fabulous!!!

  3. I don't know if cell phones or tv make your life better but the comp. is a must! Oooh I Can't wait to see what you are cooking up for the Paris swap! I can already tell I will love it. I've also joined the Birds & Bonnets Swap. Love that time piece you created.

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Hey what you did for the creative therapy challenge. It is beautiful :) Loved reading this post. Just so you know, late at night I will ramble and say things that I think are funny but are really only funny cuz it is so late and I am half asleep, lol. I do that in emails too if I am writing in the wee hours of the morning <-- <-- something to remember in case you get a wonky email from me, lol. Anyways, I am finishing up a project and then I can relax next week. Hope all is well with you.

  5. Love the t time collage!
    Sandra Evertson


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