
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Day 2: 20th Anniversary

Waking up to the sun, surf and beautiful weather makes me wonder yet again why we live in the middle of the country instead of here in Florida which we love. DH could just as easily get a job here. We say this everytime we're near the beach! lol

DH woke up this morning, our 20th anniversary, and went running. He said the beach was full of runners and it was hard not to try to keep pace with someone. He's training for the
Disney Marathon happening in January. So I guess we'll be coming back to Florida in 6 months. Yay us! At that time we'll be staying in our favorite rental house and hitting the Disney parks since his marathon is run through them. He's running with my father. It will be an accomplishment for both as dad has run a marathon before (9 yrs ago) but DH has only done a 1/2 so far.

Since it's our 20th anniversary today, we're thinking of going back to the restaurant we loved so much last time we were here...
The Hurricane. I remember the clam chowder being the best I had ever had. Or maybe we'll find a shack somewhere that serves awesome food. Either way, dinner is going to be wonderful.

Time to hit the beach. DH is frowning at me because I'm on the computer instead of sitting out in the sun. Gotta catch me some rays. I'll be back later with some artwork I made before I left home. Here's a piece I gave DH for our anniversary (before we left home.)



  1. What a beautiful and special piece. I'm sure he loved it!

  2. Congrats on your anniversary. Such a huge accomplishment! I'm glad your getting in some beach time.


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