
Monday, July 21, 2008

New Blogs, Drawing, New Art

I've been trying to get back in the swing of things since vacation. Catching up on blog posts, emails and stuff like that. Several new people visited my blog in the last month and I'm so happy about that. It is a whole new list of blogs for me to visit and share with you!

New & returning Blogs:

Artwords Clan
Ilka' Attic
Beth's Babble
The Artistic Diva
Creative Flutter
Easily Amused Hard to Offend
KrissiSandvik (She's such a sweetie, awarding me the yellow award above and the honor of being in her blogroll.)
Swell Designer
Rhonda Stamps
Lind Art
Earthtone Studios
Poppy Cat
So Distressing
Then & Now
Inara Scraps
Miz Katie
Mama n Jack Jack
Sweet Repeats
Bag Lady's Art
The Art Sook
In The Tree Top
Scrapping Away
Heather's House

Also, I found this drawing, ends tomorrow night. I thought I would share. The quilt is to-die-for! Go enter. Hopefully one of us will win! Enter here.

Book reading update: I'm working my way through the following books if anyone cares. lol What are you reading this summer?
Thursday Next in First among sequels (4th in series) - Jasper FForde
The creative family - Amanda Blake Soule
Junk beautiful - Sue Whitney
Semiprecious Salvage - Stephanie Lee
In this house - Angela Cartwright
The Art of Personal Imagery - Corey Moortgat
Plush you! - Kristen Rask
Vintage Vavoom

Last of all. I received a certain scrumptious sumpin sumpin in the mail this past week from The Crafty Chica. Something I can play with. Can't be more specific than that but I'm uber excited and can't wait to share what I'm working on! Stay tuned.

Remember, you can follow me on Twitter, for all my nonsense and art related posts. You know you wanna know about all the mundane unimportant things I'm doing and saying! lol My Twitter


  1. Ohh! Thank you for adding me to your list!....hmmm..guess you might need to check back on so distressing...

  2. Hello! I have to tell you that it's your fault I got my crafting bug back again. Now I'm searching through my tubs of stuff for things to craft with my daughter. We are crafting monsters. LOL I just added you to my blog list on Treetop. Thanks for the mention. Oh, and that quilt on the giveaway is to die for!

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    thanks a lot for adding me to your list! how encouraging is that??? i'm looking forward to staying in touch. take care!

  4. hey kris! so happy to hear from you! great blog; i love collage! i'm in lawrence, not too far, and in KC a lot. creative coldsnow is a fabulous art supply store, very dangerous for those who like to create. the main store is in westport, and there's a satellite store near metcalf & 435. nice to find your world! aimee

  5. OMG - did I read somewhere that you're a non-cooking wife?? I'm glad to know I'm not alone! Though I do feel guilty from time to time:)
    Thanks for the mention - btw, couldn't follow you on Twitter, it said something about comments being protected...
    come visit soon!

  6. Thanks so much for adding me to your list and for sharing such great sites and info ..... Linda F

  7. I just discovered you from blog catalog. Great blog, I love your collages.

  8. Thanks for the quilt link!
    I should comment more...I will...I stalk your blog everyday!!

  9. Glad I've found you - I love your work!

  10. AW I'm honored to be on your list! Thanks chica!!! I too love your work!


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