
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Won I Won I Won

I'm very blessed this week. I've won not one but 2 drawings! How exciting is that?!

Sandra Evertson had a 'One Year Anniversary' drawing and I won the big pretty prize! Isn't she gorgeous! I can't wait until she arrives and sits on my mantel in a place of honor. Visit Sandra's blog. She make exquisite things!

And to add blessing to blessing, I won a set of stamps on Inka's blog. Every week she has a new drawing. You should enter!

If you're interested in an art trade, Trisha has a few Twinchies left to swap. Head on over to her blog to contact her.

My new friend Suzy has a Pay it Forward giveaway if anyone is game... I know I am!

If you're a homeschooler, I have a new blog. Very new so content is minimal. I'm looking to trade links with other homeschoolers who have blogs. Comment on my homeschool blog to trade (link is also in the top right corner of this blog.) I'll be updating frequently with family goings on, homeschool shenanigans and occasional articles on homeschooling. Yes, I'm a one woman busy bee.

Stay tuned. Big long winded post with PRIZES coming up!

P.S. Yes, I know some of you were getting cabin sickness from the polka dot background (Trisha!) so they have gone away. I'm experimenting with colors now. We're trying out a peuse-ish green or Grey Poupon mustard? lol


  1. Wow, you are a lucky lady! Great wins..and love your blog!

  2. Wow you are lucky! Cool stuff. I'm heading over to Inka's blog to check out those stamps!

  3. Kris I'm going to email you some stuff for homeschooling. I have a friend who has set some stuff up. amp

  4. Wow! Gorgeous wins! :) Lucky you!

  5. Hi!
    Congrats on winning two contests, which is my news of the week as well. It's an amazing testament to the power of art, connection, support and mixed media art!
    Also, when I visit your blog, it asks me for a twitter password, but I don't have one... any ideas?
    Visit soon!

  6. Thanks for the mention...I've got a link for you on my blog now. :)

  7. Lucky you winning two giveaways -- Sandra's is beautiful -- lucky, lucky you!!! And I love what Inka sells so you really lucked out there too!

  8. Ah you won!!! too cool!


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