
Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm a Widgetketeer!

Watch this!

TA-DA! Now I'm a Widgetketeer (is that a word yet?) I discovered this cool Widget program that allows you to find widgets to include on your sites as well as make your own! I even found a homeschool and a word of the day widget to add over on my homeschool blog as well! The widget is automatically updated when I post so you'll never miss a second of creative art.

Anyway, if you're just dying to know what is happening over here at all times (lol), feel free to add this widget.

  • Click 'Get Widget'
  • Click 'Embed Code'
  • Copy the HTML code
  • Paste into your sidebar
  • Enjoy!
I would love to hear where the widget lives. If you add it to your blog, let me know so I can visit!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun..a widget keeper! I want to be one too!


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