
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Married With Children-Creative Therapy

Married With Children, originally uploaded by Collage Contessa.

This week's Creative Therapy prompt was "What’s a decision you made that ended up determining the direction of your life? (or at least it had a strong effect on how your life turned out.)"

I think the biggest decision I made that impacted my life was made when I had no idea what I was doing. At 18, I married a boy from high school. A friend, and boyfriend. Someone who had been around my family since I was 13. I thought I loved him, and nothing else mattered. It turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. Sure, I had no business getting married so young but God used my young life decision and turned it into his plan. We had the hardest time in the first couple years, probably because we’re first borns and stubborn and had no clue what we were doing. But we’ve weathered many a marriage storm and just celebrated 20 years of marriage. I remember some of my teenage years. I wanted to go to college, travel the world, speak many languages, be a translator at the UN. But I chose to be with my sweetheart. I did return to college and probably could go for more but that’s in the future. In the meantime, we’re raising our girls, homeschooling them, trying to figure out and do what God has in mind for us. I’ll brush up on my spanish, my daughter is teaching me french and we’ll travel someday. I do not regret my decision in the least.

Technique Highlight:
This is made on mat board. I plan to use it as the cover for a ‘Married With Children’ journal about fun stuff that goes on in my life. I want to celebrate my marriage and kids. Background is over painted, with acrylics, oil pastels, stenciled with cheesecloth, gel pens, ink, glitter, paints, stickers. I painted a matchbox, painted and attached a wooden heart inside. Strung book binding string through eyelet holes inside. Used a rusty U-hook for the matchbox pull. The painted cheesecloth on top of the box is leftover from a previous project. Images are by

Don't forget you can participate in the weekly challenges and win prizes! This week's prize is a kit from Tarisota Creations. It's very yum and one lucky person will receive it!


  1. This is beautiful! I love the colors-and the layers and texture are fantastic. Well done!
    chris p

  2. sigh...i so want to be you. gorgeous

  3. oh my gosh! what a lovely, lovely, lovely post!
    your husband is fortunate to have you!

  4. Love the art piece. Great tribute to your one true love!!!! 20 years and still in love!!

    However, my piece titled Married With Children would have more black, lots of question marks, and a woman with her hands in the air surrendering with a pile of dirty dishes behind her and a pile of laundry at her feet!! LOL!

  5. fabulous piece of art!!

  6. Wonderful work, love it!!!!

  7. That is beautiful and so sweet--love it!

  8. Wonderful post. Everyone said my husband and I wouldn't make it a year. Different countries, different cultures, even different languages. But God doesn't make mistakes. We've been married for 30 years and it just gets better and better.
    Blessings from Costa Rica

  9. YEAH...for happily ever afters!

  10. I am supposed to email you my address, but I do not have your email address. Mine is:

    Chris P


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