
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Call You... Friend

Over the weekend I made quite a few things. I decided to put a smile on several friends faces this week. I made little 4" x 5" notebooks and used all scraps & vintage accounting papers for the inside. (images are by Altered Pages)


"Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great." -- Mark Twain

"A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -- Bernard Meltzer

"Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honouring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities."

"One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention." -- Clifton Fadiman

"It is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends."


  1. These are wonderful Kris, lucky friends!

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    These are beautiful. Nice colors, good composition, just gorgeous.

  3. your use of color and layout...

  4. these are PRETTY. i love the idea of using the vintage papers in the insides, too--very neat.

    sorry. i need some new adjectives.

  5. lovely ... i especially like the coloring in that last one ... well done

  6. New adjective to describe Kris's artwork-Fantabulosa! Hey Trisha you didn't say it had to be a real word! Crocheted lace! Nice touch! and ruffled ribbon!


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