
Thursday, February 19, 2009

I've Moved...

I have to tell you what I've been up to! 2 weeks ago we took several days and lots of man hours and moved my cramped - busting at the seams art room from the small dining room...

... to the unfinished basement (after lots of cleaning/hauling out of course.) I painted a wall red, doubled the amount of space I had and went from 3 bookshelves to 9. I am a happy camper!

The previous owner had cobbled together a horribly heavy and now old and ugly workbench. It must be 40 years old! I plan to give it a wash and a bright coat of paint. I'll have to share after it's been altered. I find that I'm now standing as I do art, at the workbench. DH installed a hanging light so I can see what I'm doing.

I have so much more to do but the shelves are partially organized. I have way too many embellishments so that is a whole weekend of organizing I can foresee, but paper, mags and other stuff are almost complete. (My fabric is a whole other story and I have yet to move it down from my bedroom closet...)

The girls joined me last evening to do art in the art room. The little one made a quick painting to hang on her wall and then she was off to read. The teen is taking watercolor classes for homeschool and wanted to practice. She chose a postcard to attempt to paint. I think she did a beautiful job. Much better than anything I could ever paint with watercolors.

Seeing as this post is so long and I have the gift of gab today apparently, I'll share what I made last night, in the next post! Thanks for reading!


  1. you will like your new space a lot!
    your daughters painting turned out fabulous!
    i like the "ugly" table just as it is!
    shows character...

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Oh Happy move! What an expanse! I love your old workbench... I have two in my garage...just like that one!

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Oh, Kris - my heart just sings for your new art space! I'd love to come and play in your basement for a week! You're going to have so much fun calling this space your own. What will you do with the old dining room? :)

    Your DD's watercolor is gorgeous - tell her to keep up her practice. There's a watercolor class being offered here in March, but I don't think I could take the school days off to attend. Darn.

  4. What wonderful work space! We are moving soon and I'll hopefully be getting my own workspace. I hope it's half as great as yours looks. Your daughter's painting is lovely.

  5. Your space looks great!! I cannot believe you filled all those shelves-now I believe you when you say you have everything!! The cat looks content.

    DD's watercolor is beautiful!

  6. ok!! It's fabulous!! I am completely jealous!! Hugs!!


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