
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Valentine Gift Boxes

Yes, I'm still on the valentine kick.

Over the weekend DH and I went on a sorta-date. We really need to work on our definition of a date. We didn't want to spend money on a movie and just be staring at a screen 'together'. What kind of date is that? Then we messed up the 'going to dinner' thing by snacking on leftover veggie chili while getting ready. So we didn't do dinner. We decided to go to Borders to sit and read, drink lattes, talk and be together. Sounded like a good idea right? Have you ever tried to talk to a guy who is reading something? I swear I waited about 30 seconds after every question I asked him or comment I made, for the words to register in his head. He'd look up and say 'what?' Then I'd have to start all over again! ha To be fair, at least he came in the bookstore with me. He thinks sitting in them is a waste of time. He gets bored after he's checked out the music section. But now that he has been running and marathoning, he has found several books to read while there. Where am I going with this? I don't know. I was going to tell you about these valentines I saw while out with him and that whole paragraph just poured out. ha

Anyway, in the latest Somerset Life I saw the most adorable valentines! Cut in a circle with decorative scissors, they had hearts in the middle, flowers, etc... I thought they were so cute! Also in either that mag or Somerset In Love I saw this sweetest little jewelry box that had been decorated and filled with little things; ephemera, ribbon, a small vial of glitter. Both those ideas came together in my head when I sat down to create this week.

And the thoughts produced these little valentine boxes. I took larger jewelry gift boxes (yes, DH, the frivolous purchase of that big bag of jewelry gift boxes from the garage sale up the street finally paid off! I'm using them!); painted, stamped and stained them inside and out. I added a bit of gold rub to the lids as well. I cut hearts out of vintage french book or music and attached them to the fronts with pretty Prima flowers and decorative brads. I have not filled them yet but that is next. I'm looking forward to that process. I wonder what will fit in these babies and to whom I might give them???


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hi Kris,
    I just wanted to say I love your new Blog banner, very colorful.

  2. these are just adorable!
    and usable!

    how great is that..

  3. Very cute little boxes....don't you love it when you get to use those garage sale or flea market treasures.

  4. whoa, whoa, wait a second, you know i don't respond well to change . . .

    actually, this is looking good--no giant scary polka dots--i like it!

    i'm jealous that you're doing all this arting around. ugh. there, you've inspired me to get off my fanny. see what you did????

    well, okay, i'm going to look at your other blog first, but THEN, for REAL, i'm going to go make something . . . .

    ps: the blog really does look great, and your work is delightful. always makes me something--smile, sigh--you know,

  5. I love your altered valentine boxes!! They are so cute...

  6. There are only 2 things to put in these boxes-diamonds or chocolate.

    They are beautiful!! Makes me want to make some pretty boxes-ugh gotta go fold laundry first!!

  7. Beautiful boxes. I love pink!

  8. Your boxes are so pretty!

  9. These are so pretty! I found your blog through e.beck.artist's blog. Lovely work!

  10. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Wow! Your boxes are just gorgeous! Don't you love making good use of a garage sale find? Someone will be ecstatic to receive these. I know I would be!


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