
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Day, Art & Giveaways

Speaking of Valentine's Day... Okay. Actually we weren't, I just like to start a sentence that way and people go, 'Oh. We were? How did I miss that?' hehe It's on my mind. I'm sure it's on most people's minds in the US since it's coming up Saturday. I have no idea what I'm doing for Valentine's Day personally. The teen wants to be ferried around to a sleep over or some such teenage activity. I was hoping to tie her down as a babysitter. It's not like we ever do that. Let me think about the last time we did, I probably blogged it... Maybe our anniversary? In July. Of 2007. Yeah. We don't get out much. Shoot! This is becoming another ramble. Oh well. Call me Ramblina.

** If you're my DH, stop reading. **

I haven't made a card for him, I really should get on that. I'm in the middle of a serious art room overhaul. More about that in another post but Valentine's Day is coming soon. I wanna be ready!

** Okay, DH. You can start reading again. (He's a blog subscriber of mine you know, keeping tabs I'm sure. Remind me never to talk about how much I buy at the art store again. ha) **

I finished up a few house ATCs for a swap I'm in and late for.

The teen has a friend having appendicitis surgery on Thursday so she dragged out all my stamps and made a card to send.

I was visiting Trisha's blog this evening and saw that she had a whole list of blog candy links she had found. I thought I'd share a few that I liked and that you might like too. Blog candy is always yum...

Kristen's blog candy has my name written all over it. I've been wanting several of those things. Crossing my fingers to win. Ends 2/14.

Maria has yum papers & ribbons & stamps. Ends 2/21.

Jennie has a wonderful pile of giveaways! Ends 2/14.

Inka has weekly giveaways. I've even won a few!

Ally is letting you choose your favorite stamp set to win! Ends 2/28.

*U.K. Only* A great set of stamps and accessories can be had at Sarah-Janes.

Gauche Alchemy (see blinkie linkie in right column too) has a wonderful giveaway.

Amy is doing something crazy for her giveaway (at least in my book. You know how I am about ribbon...) Ends 2/11.

2Sketches4U is hosting a unique giveaway. Eye Candy for Blog Candy. Show them some eye candy in the form of your hunny and they will choose random winners. Here's my hunny.

The top one is why I married him. No, not because he likes to be electrocuted, but because he makes me laugh. The bottom one is him with our youngest dd. See those wrinkles between his eyes? I gave him those. See the squint of the eyes and the slight smirk of the lips? I love that look. He's getting ready to say something wacky to me and is pondering, 'what was she thinking?'

Have fun blog hopping!


  1. Thank you for posting *smile*. Good luck in the darw
    Jennie x

  2. Very sweet & cute pics! Thanks for playing!

  3. Kris, got google reader up and running (well, I understand how it works so that means it's running) and now I know when you update! Yeah! I love your observation about dh's wrinkles. Last night I was looking at a picture of Tim that I'm using in a lo that he requested I do (gasp!)and was thinking that I had put those grey hairs on his head and all the wrinkles there between his eyes but I think I'm responsible for the laugh lines too! Love your houses...I got the "pictures" we painted up in the bathroom.

  4. Kris, thanks for you comment on my blog and linking up the Gauche Alchemy giveaway!

    Love your blog! I'll come back later to explore a bit more when I have time. I added you to my Google Reader.

  5. I think that card came out wonderful. thanks for linking my blog candy. good luck!

  6. Thanks for dropping by my blog today and registering to win a pair of my hand-knitted "Bella Mittens." Good luck on the home stretch towards the deadline tonight! Nice meeting you.

  7. Oh boy that first picture is totally funny :) Thanks for posting


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