
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Day In the Life...

Now that we've moved our bookcase, I can see all the library books I have. So I'm trying to read all these (not shown is the book on my bedside table; Leonardo's Shadow, I'm reading it first before I share it with the girls.):

while attempting to clean this (yet again):

Listening to this while cleaning/working in the studio:

and possibly working on these UFOs (un-finished objects I guess is the abbreviation):

How is your summer?


  1. I love the UFO word! I am trying to organized my art work too. It's never ending!!! And I read the Thirteeth Tale and I really enjoyed it!
    Good luck on the cleaning! Organization sure does put a damper on trying to create as well. But I think once organized, maybe it will be a lot easier to work!
    My summer is too hot! Thank goodness for AC!!!

  2. I love your ufos! wonderful colors! I am on a quest to meet new blogging gals w/ similar interests- so I did a google search "blogs christian mom homeschool altered art" and your blog was one of the hits. I am so glad- I love your artwork (I popped by your etsy sight too)I knew we would make good blog buddies when I saw one of your fav movies was French Kiss and fav music- Newsboys!
    What spurred my blog quest was an award- premio meme award, given to me by another blog/art gal a few days ago- so I would like to pass the award onto you. It is explained in my blog on the June 28 entry. I will be posting a link to your blog too. Looking forward to reading future posts- and to seeing more of your beautiful work!

  3. My stamping area is a complete mess!!! Maybe that is why I have not created anything lately-or maybe it is all those VBS projects!


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