
Friday, July 17, 2009

NEED HELP! Diary Project 2010

Thanks so much to all those posted and emailed about my dd's hospital visit. Thankfully she is doing much better, hand is healing nicely and she is packing for a mission trip! We're very blessed for her health.

Wanted to share something I'm working on. I think I mentioned I've agreed to do a page in the
Diary Project 2010. Well, as usual, I'm very last minute. I worked on a few pages last night and am having trouble deciding which I like the best! Can you help me? What do you think looks the best, and my style, not too crowded or whatever? I started out with a simple one that include a row of button flowers. But then since I'm a collage girl, I started playing with pieces. Even got fancy with different numberings. It's due in 2 days, so I need to decide.

Numbers 1 & 2:

Numbers 3 & 4:

Numbers 5 & 6:

Numbers 7 & 8:


  1. Hi: I think no.s 5&6, myself. Not that they aren't all gorgeous. :-)

  2. they all look great; I like the first one because I am a button flower person:) and I think they frame the bottom of the page nicely.
    I like #6 and I like #3 too - don't understand the significance of the 6 - but it balances the bird nicely. Hope this is helpful:)
    great work - nothing like a deadline to get one moving!!

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    number 8
    i like the over all look
    but i like the way the year looks in number 8 too

  4. Emily Martin12:50 PM

    I like 1 and 2

  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    either #6 aolone, or group of 5/6..
    but right..they are ALL fab...


  6. Hi there, for me its number four. I love your blog. You make collage into fine art and Im tempted, really tempted, except I just was awarded a £1000 bursary to purchase both hard and software for short film/animation making, so for the moment it hast to be that for me. Keep up the great work.

  7. Wow, Your page is so awesome! I like 1, 4, & 7. "4" Is my fave because I love the eggs!!! The decorated 6 is gorgeous, but I think it may make this piece too busy, and you don't see the branch as well. Eggs or flowers? Love those flowers in the ones I chose, but I think the eggs are the best!
    Hope I helped a bit!
    Linda :)

  8. Patti, The 6 represents the day of the Month. I had to wonder at first too!

  9. Me myself, Kris, I like 8 the best, it's well balanced and I love the eggs, not so much the button flowers.
    Good luck with your choice!

  10. I like no. 8 the best, all are nice but I like the eggs and the year is nicer on no. 8.

  11. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I like 3/4 and second choices are 7/8 :) What did you decide on?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts.