
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gremlins & Fabric Creations

There have been sightings of unexpected but always welcome gremlins in my art studio these days.  Now that the sewing machine has been working, the room has become downright crowded! Not that I'm complaining. These particular gremlins are near and dear to me and it warms my heart considerably to see them sharing my sacred space.

The teen is taking a drawing course at the college campus this semester. Her latest assignment sounds more like mixed media to me than any drawing course I would ever take. She has gone through 3 ideas now and is on to her 4th. 'Trial and error' is what I keep hearing her whisper to herself as she shoves unusual things into the sewing machine to combine. 

Their assignment is to combine 2 sequences, one from each column and using any materials desired, make a piece. They will do 3 drawings on this same subject, so it's probably why she is trying out different ideas  before she settles on her topic. Somewhere on her piece she must have some drawing. 

Personally I'm liking her latest creation made mostly of fabrics. I think she's going with 'The breath of vulnerability'. Something like that. I'm curious to see how it all turns out. I'll share pics of the final project when it's complete.

Since we're down here in the art dungeon, the little one has been wanting to participate. Last night she decided to make a skirt for her barbie doll. Today she completed the emsemble, complete with snaps. I'm sure she has the beginnings of a wonderful career! 

I've been wanting to play with the sewing machine for quite a bit so I made a few fabric ATCs. Had to push a few gremlins out of the way (aka: sharing) but it all worked out okay. The images are from Altered Pages collage sheets.


Now that the sewing machine is working, I'm sure the sky is the limit!


  1. The girls look thrilled that you're taking their pics . . .

    the atcs are lush!

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I hope your oldest daughter plans to share her art on Etsy or someplace where she can be monetarily compensated for her hard work?! I LOVE the mixed media piece already! And the FAbric ATCS?! LOVE THEM! The blue and black is just DREAMY!

  3. These are all gorgeous. I love the fabric ATC (must do those one of these days) and the bit that I can see of your daughters work is beautiful. I agree with Paula Clare that I would love to see some more of her work, perhaps on etsy (or her own blog?) :D

  4. Lots of fabric pretties!

  5. Beautiful! Trial and error, the best way to learn!


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