
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Colorful Obsession

I've been taken over by the crochet bug this week. Maybe it's just my time. I tried 2 years ago to crochet but each thing I worked on seemed too tight, too complicated. I did manage to make about 20 granny squares (all different sizes) and they still sit in a bag somewhere.

This week, when the teen decided to try crochet again, to make a headband for my niece, I thought I might try again as well. I had purchased all this wool/acrylic blend yarn a couple years ago and it has been sitting idle in my studio. This time I was going to CONQUER CROCHET!

First, I started with a generic pattern: Colorful Windchime Afghan

Next I went looking for youtube videos to guide me along. Let me tell you about youtube. They have everything and I'm so grateful that people out in the world are willing to share videos on things as simple as a slipknot! I could not for the life of me, remember how.

Youtube Videos I used:

Interesting Youtubes I found but haven't used yet:
How To Crochet an Intricate Flower (for crazy crocheters w/patience)

Back to the pattern, armed with my new knowledge... Of course, being who I am, I changed things up almost immediately. First off, I was using the Wool-Ease Thick & Quick yarn so there was no way I would be wanting to do as many stitches as they say for the length. SO I cut that down to about 150 (it's about 6 feet long.)  Then, I decided after the first stripe of color used up 1 1/3 balls of yarn, I'd continue on and change colors after a ball was completed. This means I will have areas where it doesn't look like full stripes. More like a scraps afghan. I like it! I'll add another full stripe on the other side to finish it off well. I pretty much quit using the pattern after the first stripe. lol I do plan to go back and do it correctly another time.

Changes I'd make next time, now that I know more:
Use at least a triple crochet to make the rows wider.
Also, use a BIGGER needle. I used a K and this makes for a tighter/stiffer blanket.
Follow the pattern more closely.
Not grip the needle so tight that I get hand cramps (this is a must for carpal tunnel sufferers like me. I had to relearn how to hold the needle and project so that my little fingers weren't gripping for dear life and then causing pain. They have those rubber grip thingies, like you use on pencils? They have them for needles. I need to get one.)

On the upside though, because of the thick yarn, it's going to be one of those heavy afghans. The one you always reach for on cold nights to wrap your tootsies in and cozy up to your honey to watch a movie.

I still have many more rows to go, but I'm having fun! Right now it's become an obsession. I strive to finish off a whole ball each day (that makes about 4 1/2 rows of one color.) Monday I went overboard with my enthusiasm and used up 2 1/2. Tuesday was only 1 1/2 (I'm trying to cut back. :)) I started on Sunday night. I am hoping to be done next week sometime. I can't wait to use it!


  1. Your blog looks really nice. I like it a lot.

    I have crocheted a little but don't know how to read a pattern. I guess that would be the first thing to learn. duh

  2. that is amazing! you are a woman of many talents.

    how did you choose the colors? Because i'm not even kidding, you, i was just looking on a "hot spring colors of 2010" thing (as if i even care, right?!), and if memory serves (okay, it does NOT serve too well sometimes!), you hit them ALL!!

  3. how do you have time for SO many projects?? send me your secrets...
    did I send you my texturing techniques? (can't remember:)

  4. Well you know crocheting is my first love. Looks beautiful and warm.

  5. Kris I think I told you this on facebook but I have created myself a blog finally and I am trying to follow yours so that is why I am posting here now. I tried crocheting once but I just never really got into it. I think I was to young to appreciate the art of crocheting. I can not wait to see your completed afghan.

  6. This is one of my goals for 2010 - learn to crochet. I love what you have done! The colors in your throw are beautiful! I am so happy you kept at it. You have given me hope.

  7. Kris..I love crochet and have been doing a lot lately myself. I love seeing your work. I mentioned it when I posted your Victorian Easter Eggs for Show and Tell with a link to your tutorial. So pretty!


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