
Monday, March 15, 2010

Where Hubby's Paycheck Goes, AKA: Thrifty Finds

I keep meaning to share the things I've thrifted recently but haven't taken a moment until now. DD and I went out last weekend or was it the weekend before? Anyway, I picked up this box of old cardstock type letters and numbers for a song. I collect old and different tins for keeping art supplies in.This large tin is beautiful colors. I think it advertises capers? I didn't know Heinz made such a thing. The funky sheer fabric I pick up this weekend at the thrift store. The teen has been wanting to decorate her bedroom in a bohemian style, similar to the Bohemian Chic style in The Well Dressed Home book so we've been gathering fabrics and sheets for the look. I plan to snip off a bit of this fabric before she runs off with it. I love collecting aprons and have 4 or 5 of these terrycloth styles.

These candleholders are from India (aka: probably Pier 1) and still had their tags on them. I think I might use 2 for our mantel and another for an art project. DH says they're already painted nicely so why would I want to change that? You never know... The sheer 'fabric' is actually a skirt. Yes, I bought it just for the fabric. You can never have too many sheers OR polka dots!

See? I love aprons. Here are two more vintage aprons I picked up at GoodJuJu. The flower one is a favorite. It has a top bib that you pin to your shirt. So pretty.

I loved this little postcard and yes the pink is just that bright. It's just sitting there waiting for me to write something pretty in the pink box. Apparently there is a story behind the postcards the lady had for sale. An older lady had saved all the postcards that her mother and father had sent each other over the years, over a 70 year period or something. So having the whole collection of them it chronicled their whole life together. What a wonderful legacy... Do you save the emails and texts from your beloved? I wonder what we'll leave behind for our children to recount our history?

I just couldn't leave this card behind. This is so adorable. I want to frame it and put it in my bedroom. Can't you tell he just loves her and wants to impress her?! And she's so impressed too! The green fabric you see in the background are curtain toppers. Vintage style fabric but it might be Martha Stewart curtains?  I think I'm going to use it to make tote bags and other things and sew on experiments made with ruffling things like Pink Picket Fence.

I'm a sucker for anything embroidered and I have a whole laundry basket full of my 'collection' to prove it! I really  need to do something with all the pieces I have, someday.

This was my favorite find of the weekend. Yes, this stained up, funky green hot plate. I've been wanting to experiment with encaustic wax painting but was unwilling to shell out the $600+ needed to have a whole kit. Now I can use this and little CLEANED OUT tuna cans to hold my melting wax and paints. And voila! I'm in business! Art can be cheap and on the fly!

These candleholders have a deadline to living up to their potential. Apparently the teen likes them as well and has given me 6 months to use them or lose them. I say I bought them, I can hoard them as long as I want but she begs to differ.

I love the detail on the medallion shaped bottoms and am hoping to use it as a base for an assemblage or a decoration on an altered journal. Not sure which. Spring is almost here and the rounds of garage sales will begin. Can't wait to see what turns up!


  1. Oh, honey, you need an old electric skillet, tin cans, and a little water for melting your wax. It works like a charm, a little improvised double boiler action.

    BUT it's party to put paper over the warming tray and color on it while the crayon gets all melty and gorgeous.

    It smells like someone forgot to put on deoderant, but still, great fun!

    Lovin' all your goodies!!


  2. Can't wait to see what you make with all these goodies! I am surprised someone sold those postcards-shoulda put them in a scrapbook!

  3. Cool eggs! Very neat idea that I plan to steal :)


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