
Monday, April 12, 2010

Quoth The Raven, NEVERMORE!

I think I'm a glutten for punishment. Just as I was freeing myself from many obligations, here I go and join another altered book swap through the Altered Gypsies forum board. RAVENS will be the topic of everyone's altered book.

I was hesitant to join because I have zero raven stamps or images. But since then, I've found so many images, Altered Pages owner, Jackie made up a Ravens collage sheet for me. Even Red Lead owner, Chris, chose to send me a new stamp to work with that had ravens on it, not knowing I needed that exact topic! See how it all works out? 

For the cover I experimented with drawing on fabric. I chose a cream woven fabric and drew with permanent black pen. I then gave it a light wash of black paint. The letters were stenciled on and then rubbed with silver leafing. I think I might add more leafing when it returns to me someday.
This time in choosing a book, I chose... not to. I made my own out of large bingo cards for covers and the inside pages were willy-nilly. I had cardstock, patterned paper, fabric, painted scraps, watercolor paper, metal screening, vellum and more. I wanted something unique and to help the artists working in my book to think outside the box. The very first girl who received my book worked on a screen page first so I think it's working!

I never know what to do for a sign in page. This time I chose to put in a few sheets of old labels (they have the holes down the side because you used to run them through the roller in your printer.) The holes made it easy to fit in the book on the rings. The participants are to decorate a label and then stick it to the inside of the front or back cover. Remember this little tease here

It was my example of what the artists should do. I thought it was a unique sign in page.

Finally, I tried to work on a couple pages in the book before I sent it on. But the only thing I could get done was a page with part of The Raven poem by Edgar Allan Poe written on it. I drew a bird and nest from pictures I took a few weeks ago when we had some springy weather. I painted it with fluid acrylics.

I also whipped up a little set of raven themed fabric magnets as thank yous for each participant that will do art in my book! 

I'm excited to receive the book back. I'm sure it's going to be a treasured item of mine!


  1. I for one, am glad that you are self-punishing - in an art way! Love the book and I'll bet you'll be really happy when it comes back!!

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I'm so glad that you joined . Your journal looks amazing now, with its bold patterns and that shade of red running through it.

  3. Looking forward to getting this, it looks very interesting (and scary - in a nice way).

  4. Love all the different pages. Poe is one of my favorites-I know a little macabre but love his short stories!

  5. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Kris, your book is safe in my craft room, said the big bad wolf. Your
    painted pages are almost too beautiful to use. And the pages come out and go back in, for ease in use, and adding more pages, in case I get carried away. I sent you three scanned pages, but I've made more, and the ideas keep coming.
    Having a blast in your book, linn
    p.s. Great theme, huh?


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