
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Is Here!

I was talking with my mom the other day and got all excited that homeschool was about out for the summer. Then I realized... my teaching experience is different from other teachers. Their kids go home and the teachers get the summer off. For some reason my kids are still here. lol I'm still determined to do some fun things, important and necessary things and maybe even some frivolous things as well.

The last several weeks have been all about graduating the teen. Helping the teen pass her ACT coming up this Saturday. And its also been about Doctor Who. Yes, I've discovered this show! I mean, I knew it was around but had never watched it. Have you seen the current series (season 1 was in 2005)? I'm in love. All those British accents swirling around with time machines and aliens? I'm in heaven. I swear I've started talking to myself in a British accent, you know, when no one can hear me. :) I'm all caught up on the shows. Now I'm waiting for the current season to come out on disc so I can see it as well. Do you remember The Phantom Tollbooth? It was one of my favorite books growing up. We have no less than 3 copies in this house as we speak. I keep snapping them up at garage sales. Anyway, he drove through the tollbooth into another land. Kind of like Doctor Who's time machine.

I've made a few art things lately. Well, actually it was in the beginning of May and only just started creating again yesterday. Time flies when you're vegging in front of the TV. I did finish up the crocheted afghan I started awhile ago. I'll have to take a picture. When I do, I'll share about the new afghan I've started. It's a doozy but oh so fun.

I tried my hand again at poppies. I really like having the painted background instead of the white. Somerset Studio has a calling for Poppies creations in August. I think I might have to come up with something, just so I can keep playing with this theme!

I joined a 'Grunge' ATC swap last month. It was a blast to design cards for that. I scraped paint, drew, spray painted, inked, sewed flowers and wrote with india ink. 

The teen had a graduation party and I sent out announcements. But I couldn't just be normal and pay for graduation cards. Oh no, not me. I had to play. I think they came out quite unique despite a bit smelly from the spray paint. hehe I didn't take a pic of the inside but it was on printed vellum with a recent pic of the teen attached.

Shoot, I've run out of time to keep sharing. I'll have to tell you about the Raven things I've made  recently plus more ATCs! I know I have a few books I haven't drawn winners for yet, so I will do that next time as well. What are your summer plans?


  1. Glad to hear you're now a fan of the Doctor. Which doctor do you have at the moment, David Tennant?

    Oh, nice artwork too :)

  2. Hi Kris,
    OH HOW I LOVE THOSE POPPIES! Gorgeous...they are in my top 10 most loved flowers. :-)

    Over the summer I plan to
    1. travel
    2. enjoy family vacations
    3. write a book
    4. create several unique tag swaps (I'm currently hosting a vintage camper swap!)
    5. Drag the "canned ham" as far as I can possibly drag it
    6. Enroll in a doctorate program
    7. Write formation materials for an evangelical Franciscan order
    8. Go to Peru on a missions trip
    9. Go to Lexington Kentucky on a missions trip
    10. Finish my retro kitchen redo

    I'm exhausted just listing it all...glad it's SUMMER and I've decided to take it easy! lol

    paula Clare

  3. Did you KNOW I love Dr. Who? Since about 7th grade--Tom Baker was the first Dr. we watched.

    I can sing you the theme song. Well, screech it, really. Until it gets to the bass, then it's more like a dun un un dun un un . . .

  4. Dr Who? I keep seeing the series on Netflix but passing them by. The grad card was awesome! Love the poppies!

  5. I love your poppies! The colors are great. The grunge ATCs are wild too!
    Happy Summer,


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