
Friday, December 03, 2010

Day 3 - 12 Days of Ornaments

Today was a busy day of who knows what going on. I feel like I did nothing but my day was full. Ever have those days? Anyway, when I finally went into my studio, the ideas were stagnant. I started and stopped 3 different ornaments until I happened upon this one that I liked making. It's a simple tutorial but I love the look of it!

NOTE: Please share your ornaments made this year in the linky thingie below. I'm giving away a whole pile of artsy things at the end of the 12 days, INCLUDING one of these vintage ashtrays so you can make your own! 

collage image (I used
Clear & Silver UTEE (Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel, thicker than Embossing powder)
Embossing clear pad
Wire or floral wire
sewing machine
jingle bell
various beads
sprig of a wired berry floral accent
glue and/or glue gun
Heat gun


1 - First, I chose an image, cut it out and glued to a piece of cardstock (MAKE SURE the north end of the picture is on the end where you can see the corrugated holes of the cardboard. You're going to need a vertical hole through the corrugated layer, for later.) Then I cut it out with scissors.

2 - Pat the whole picture with embossing ink pad. Cover the picture in Clear UTEE. Heat with heat gun. Repeat. this gives it a nice thick glassy look.

3 - Take Embossing ink pad and pat just around the front edges of the picture. Cover with silver UTEE. I tapped off the excess, then ran my finger over the middle of the pic to make sure the silver was moved back and wouldn't melt over the picture.

4 - Melt the UTEE with the heat gun. I gave it a bit of extra melting which made the silver kind of meld with the clear, making it look old. Love that look! Can't you just see jewelry like this?!

5 - Wire a jingle bell to a piece of wire or floral wire. Run the wire up through the middle of the card corrugated layer to the top.

6 - Add beads to your wire until you have enough for a hanging loop. Finish off the wire by twisting below the first bead, by the cardboard.
7 - Take the streamers and ruffle sew it on the sewing machine. You can see instructions I shared a few months ago using cheesecloth. Similar result.
8 - Gather a small piece of the sewn streamers and glue or tape behind the bell on the ornament.
9 - Bend the sprig of berry floral piece around the corner of the ornament. I meant to glue it down with hot glue before taking the picture, but the teen has run off with my glue gun. Just glue in the right corner, and on the left corner to hold the sprig down.

NOTE: I think I'll go back and add glue to the edge of the streamer, and glitter it up!

There you have it. My simple little ornament. I was happy to start using my embossing powders again. They were getting down right lonely sitting on the shelf. Okay, time to prop up the footies in front of the fire. See you tomorrow!

You're turn to show off your ornaments!

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