
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tables Rejoice, Spring Bunting Under Way

This last week the lights were turned on in the studio. Imagine that! The tables rejoiced as I cleaned through all the piles of mismatched things out of place. We have a huge undertaking getting ready to happen and the tables are needed. 

Hubby is going to totally redo our floors while I'm supposed to be out of town in a couple weeks. So most everything in the house has to find its way into our basement and subsequently into my studio. After all, space is premium around here. But last night I couldn't resist one last hurrah before the tables were covered once more.

I joined Amy's Spring Bunting Swap. Don't ask me why, I need a new project like I need pounds on my behind but she enticed me with her description. I could just imagine a pretty bunting decking out my fireplace, with my pretty new floors. I could decorate for spring! Have a May Day party. And I would most definitely need a bunting banner for that!

My pieces are not quite complete but I thought a little tease wouldn't hurt, plus it keeps me working. I'll be back soon with completed pieces.

Happy spring everyone! 

P.S. If you want to know what I've been up to (hint, it involves plants and animals), visit my homeschool blog for all my latest posts.


  1. Girlfriend, I do NOT want to hear about homeschooling.

    Would you like a 14-year-old boy? He comes cheap, complete with attitude, and all his school books!

    I DO, however, want to see that there bunting!!!


  2. Trisha, I'll see your 14 year old boy and raise you, one 11 1/2 year old hormonal pubescent GIRL! No contest.

    Completed bunting will be up on Monday's post I think. Stay tuned. Wait until you see what I made today. (Posts tomorrow.)


    I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop, you have a great site. Would you like to follow me back?
    thank you :)


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