
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Stripping and Chocolate and Pink, Oh my!

I'm not real happy with this feast or famine of art time. My fingers long to draw like DaVinci, paint like... I don't know. Someone who does those dreamy watercolor paintings, can't think of who. I long to be creative again. The closest I've gotten is floor stripping and wall painting (and I didn't really do any of it. Read on...)

While away on my cruise, my saint of a hubby took on the project of redoing our floors with the help of a friend who has done this before. Needless to say, I have gorgeous honey floors again. Note the before and after photos. No comparison! How did we let it get so bad???

 (before, in the hall)

(before in the dining room)

(after, my bedroom)

(after, living room)

We've spent the last week or so stripping the paint off my bedroom's trim. In some misguided attempt at designing coolness I thought we would paint all the house's baseboards and trim, white. We only got as far as the bedroom. And now that I was re-painting the walls (after 10 years), I decided to put the baseboards/trim back to their original honey brown color. Huge project. I've been so sick since returning from my cruise, I didn't do any of the stripping. But still, big project for other family members. 

Did I mention I decided to go with pink paint? We had green in here for so long, then I was decorating with aqua but I think I'm tired of that for my bedroom. 

We have this beautiful chocolate brown furniture we bought last year, and I have a yummy cranberry red blanket for the bed. My mind immediately went to a pink of some kind for the walls. I was trying to imagine myself inside a chocolate covered cherry bon bon. Who wouldn't want to be covered in chocolate all day?! So we tried pinks.

My teen was in charge of picking out the paint while I was on my cruise. Her two choices are on the right. I didn't like either. Too gaudy boudoir pink, reminiscent of yogurt or something, kwim? We went again to the store when I got back from my trip and agreed on the left pink. 

It might not look like much but we brought it home, put it on the walls and it perfectly matches the 1920s/1930s/whatever era dessert cups I bought at an auction. Those cups were bought to help me pick out the kitchy pink for my kitchen! Exact same color, by chance! So guess what paint we'll be using for the kitchen too?! Two birds with one stone. So cool.

By the way: Note to parents having teen girls who are dating. Encourage them to date tall boys. Think of all the extra work you won't have to do with them around. I just feed him and he paints near the ceiling for me. So wonderful! (He's also handy with gardening, if you've read my homeschool garden post, you'd know this as well.)

So that's a little update around here. I'll have to take a picture of the bedroom after I have it all gussied up. 

Remember this piece I started a long time ago? Paper and fabric flowers sewn to a canvas, using my great grandma's button flower (can't remember what blog post I shared them in)? I'm thinking of finishing up these paintings to add to the wall above the bed maybe. I set them aside but its time to pick them up again...

What have you been up to?


  1. Caryl1:36 PM

    Your husband deserves a lot of gold stars for doing that horrible job while you were gone! The floors look great! And who is that adorable little furball in the middle of the room?!

  2. Hello! I got a piece of your bunting in the spring bunting swap Amy hosted. Thank you so much, it is beautiful!!

  3. Gee, not enough time for art but sure a lot of progress on the house! What a great inspiration - yay to your hubby!


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