
Friday, June 03, 2011

Day 3 - Affirmations & Letting Go

Day 3 - I have this idea for the blank space of wall above my headboard. As I was planning for my month of creativeness, I was writing down words I wanted to create art around: Confidence, Healthy, Closeness, Strength, Boldness. After having the list it gave me an idea. What about a collaborative art piece? Each piece is individual yet when put together creates a wall of affirmations, reminders of how to treat yourself. Positives for life. It's an idea anyway. We'll see how it comes along.

Yesterday's piece I created was entitled 'Letting Go.' We, as sensitive beings tend to hold onto things. Things from our past, our childhood, past hurts. It doesn't get us anywhere but we let them define us, to bind us to being a certain person. This piece will be a reminder to let all that stuff go and move forwards. To just be me, without all the expectations of others to cling to me. I'm letting go.  (The left part with the bright parts of paint was a transparency I had used as a paint palette. I couldn't throw it away so I kept it. Keep everything! lol)

Okay, can't stop to talk longer. I'm off for a day in the city, Kansas City. We're going to see the Lady Diana exhibit at Union Station. We'll have lunch and also help water the community garden my mother helps with. It's a project to provide food for agencies that help those in need. What a perfect Friday.

What will you create today?

(if you're just joining my blog posts now, the Day 1.2.3, etc... posts all pertain to my goal for daily Creative Vibrations, initially blogged about here. Join me in creating daily!)


  1. Sounds like a fantastic Friday! I'm supposed to be taping off the kitchen so we can paint . . .

    maybe should get on that!


  2. I love these colors! Very cool, indeed. We went to see the dresses 2 weeks ago, and it was so emotional and wonderful. I know you'll love it.


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