
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Month of Art Wrap-Up & GIVEAWAY

 (don't be frightened by my scary clown lady! lol)

As usual, I petered out on the artwork. I did do a few things in the last week but just have not blogged them. All in all, 14 days of blogging art. That's more than I usually do. I enjoyed doing more art than normal but I was hoping it would restore my desire for constant art time. It did not. Too much going on at this time, what with summer activities, gardening, cleaning out closets, etc... But maybe fall will restore that need.

 (recent drawings, watercolor painting)

In working on different things this month I realized I've become stagnant in my art. This might be why I'm not wanting to do it as often. I think I need to take some classes for drawing and painting to be energized again. I'm also feeling the desire to write again as I did for National Novel Writing Month last November. Don't know what I would write, but its percolating in my brain...

This week my daughter and I worked on a small scale model of the chicken coop we want to build. You can see more about it here. I consider that a bit of art as well!

Thanks to those who created along with me, and who visited & commented on what I was creating. I have a few small canvases I worked on that I have not finished but I have ideas. I'll be giving one away to a lucky winner. Follow me through google or facebook and leave a comment on where you follow me, and you're entered into the giveaway drawing! I'll draw a name next weekend.


  1. I know how you feel. I wrote for years non-stop but in the last 2 years I've done nothing really. Now my scrapbooking and crafts have taken over and really taken over the kind of empty place inside where being creative was. I wish you lots and lots of luck and good wishes. I follow you here on blogspot and i love your work.

  2. just added you to my networked blogs on FB =)


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