
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

With a Positive Attitude...

This year has GOT to be better than last year. I can't even begin to name all the terrible things that transpired last year and frankly I don't want to relive them. Yet no one died or anything and we made it thru. There's a plus.

Moving on to 2013.

I've chosen my word for the year. (If you don't know of this concept, google 'Ali Edwards' and 'one word'. Lots of info.) Mine is LESS. Less weight, less spending, less time wasting and procrastination, less time on my whims and more on what God has in store for me. Much better than resolutions.

Have you embraced a word?

It's late but I'm working on one of those canvas flowers like I showed in a December post. Have an order from a friend and this cold has been tying me down so I'm behind. Be back soon to show it off. Brace yourself, I'm using purple (my dreaded nemesis!!)

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