
Thursday, December 19, 2013

December Snapshots

It's a normal December here. Holiday decorating, wrapping up homeschooling for the year, lazy days catching up on TV shows and Christmas movies. Shopping with friends, annual ladies-in-family-Christmas-shopping was Saturday. We've already had a touch of snow, although today it's back up to 55. Several crafts started, sickness has hit us already. Typical December as I said. No baking has been done. I need to get right on that. What's December if you're not eating a little too much sugar?!

Here's just a peek into our December. May your Christmas be blessed, as it is Jesus' birthday! Merry Christmas.

Start of Advent 'Calender' bags
Christmas drawings by daughter
Daughter & friends Christmas shopping
Christmas Gift I'm making
Making holiday decorations
Grandma and daughter making pies
Kantha stitching on a pillow
Daughter writing her book
Parts of Christmas Ornaments I'm making
Daughter with new hat & gloves from Thrift store
Making decorations
My parents at the Messiah performance
Handmade Scarf

Party food! 

Our Christmas Tree w/Hula Hoop

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