
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Birthday Party Success

DD's 8th birthday party was a big success. I believe about 26 people showed up. We grilled, danced to the ChaCha Slide, Played games (all sorts), jammed to Guitar Hero (Playstation 2 game), ate food, lots of cake & popsicles and opened presents. What else would you expect from a birthday party?!

Couple of my favorite moments:
* Grandma doing the ChaCha (below in the peach shirt, 4th pic)
* DH substituting the pinata head for his (very becoming)
* Spontaneous sing-a-long (at the top of all our lungs) to 'I Love Rock-N-Roll, Put Another Dime In the Jukebox Baby', while someone played it in Guitar Hero.
* At the end of the day, DD and cousins stuffed their dresses with leftover water balloons just for fun!

Here's the pictures to prove it (birthday girl is in the red sundress) - CLICK for CLOSEUPS:

Stay tuned for my next post. A tutorial of sorts...

1 comment:

  1. What a brilliant birthday party. you certainly had lots of fun !

    I've posted about the swap I received from you today - love Julia x


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