
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wednesday's Art...

I can feel it. Can you? The end of summer is creeping up on me and I feel the urgency to do as much art as time (and family) will allow. It's like a death sentence! Not really, but you know how things get busy in the fall. Homeschool for us starts in 3 weeks and I'm SOOOOOOOOO not even ready. I haven't even ordered my curriculum. BAD ME! Ugh. I'll get to it though.

In the meantime, I've been listing stuff on eBay, making ATCs, finished up my altered book page for club this weekend and trying to keep the house clean (with almost 30 guests coming Saturday.) Now THAT'S an uphill battle. *sigh*

ATCs for today (click for closeups).

The book I worked in this month was the leader's book. Talk about intimidating! I hope she likes it. It was really an open theme book so I was stumped as usual. But I started with a credit card scrape background and went from there. The black 'dots' around the edges are sewn on black beads. I kind of like it!

Tomorrow I'll be shopping for food and party stuff. Picking up a pinata, cake and frosting (we're having a butterfly cake and smiley face cupcakes. Don't ask.)

Friday I'm running down to where my GGma used to live and helping go through her house. We've been told we can pick some things to take home of hers, to remember her by. How do you do something like that? I have no idea. What one or two pieces embodies all that my great grandma was to me? I mean, I cherished her so much, my youngest has GGma's name as her middle name! I guess the 'things' don't matter. I have my dd to remember her by...


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Those atc's are awesome. I love the heart ones and the altered book turned out great. I am sure the owner will love it. good luck wiht the pary. have a great weekend :o)

  2. Just checking up to see what you've been up to. Your creativity hasn't wavered since the last time I visited your blog. I love what you have created lately.


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